Cecelia Health Reaches One Million Patient Interactions Milestone and Raises Awareness for World Diabetes Day

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A crisis is unfolding in America as the diabetes epidemic continues to grow. Diabetes is ideally managed by an endocrinologist, but across the country there are less than 6,000 endocrinologists to meet the needs of 30 million people with the disease. By 2050, 1 in 3 adults are projected to have diabetes, raising the question of how as a society we will care for all of these people at scale.

As experts call for a new approach to diabetes care, Cecelia Health reaches its one-millionth live interaction with people suffering from chronic illness, doubling its coaching engagements from 2018 and proving that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. With its ability to scale the human touch backed by data-driven insights, Cecelia Health improves diabetes related health outcomes such as A1c reduction, medication adherence and associated quality measures. Demonstrated improvements in health outcomes from Cecelia Health programs cut the risk of heart attack in half, increase medication adherence by 20 percent, and decrease costs by $900 – $2,124 per patient per year.

“I’ve seen firsthand the revolutionary impact that using the right touch at the right time and with sensitivities to patients’ language and culture can have, in both my former role as President and CEO of MetroPlus Health Plan and my current position with Cecelia Health,” said Dr. Arnold Saperstein, chief medical officer at Cecelia Health. “Better still, with Cecelia’s virtual clinical approach we are able to reach the toughest populations in diabetes care – the 18 percent of people who account for 40 percent of the cost.”

Every 21 seconds someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with diabetes and they need to figure out how to manage their health in a new way. This process is often challenging to navigate and results in a loss of hope. Studies show that 50 percent of medication is not taken as prescribed due to financial, psychological or educational barriers, or lack of support.

“I know first-hand how hard it is to learn to manage a new diagnosis with life or death stakes. Diabetes is a full-time job that no one wants and people deserve better solutions,” said David Weingard, founder and CEO of Cecelia Health. “Pairing advanced blood sugar monitoring tools like continuous glucose monitoring with access to expert clinicians and digital coaching through a virtual clinic has the power to address chronic disease management at scale, regardless of a person’s language, socioeconomic standing or geographic barriers.”

David founded Cecelia Health in remembrance of his own expert clinical coach, Cecelia, who transformed his life after he was diagnosed with diabetes. He named Cecelia Health in her honor to reinforce the company’s commitment to providing the same personalized service and compassion David received from Cecelia—for people across the world.

For more information on Cecelia Health visit https://www.ceceliahealth.com/.

About Cecelia Health

Cecelia Health’s mission is to positively transform the lives of people living with diabetes and related chronic disease states. Cecelia Health’s Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) and other expert clinicians use Cecelia Health’s proprietary technology-enabled personalized coaching solution to optimize health outcomes at a low cost per patient and provide unique data-driven insights to health plans and ACOs seeking to improve quality measures, and pharmaceutical and medical device companies seeking to improve adherence. To learn more, visit http://www.ceceliahealth.com.

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