Category Archives: Business

Press Releases from the Business World. Announcements, Product releases, Appointments.

TouchPoint Welcomes New Vice President of Product & Strategy

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“Probably the most exciting thing about TouchPoint is its strategy around mobile technology. We live in an age where everybody has a mobile device in their pocket at all times. I see this as a way that our congregants can easily engage with us wherever they are, whenever they’re compelled to act.”

TouchPoint Software, a church management system based in Dallas, Texas, is pleased to announce that Chris Dolan has been named the company’s new Vice President of Product and Strategy. Chris is a church technology thought leader. He brings ten years of experience in developing and applying technology-driven solutions in ministry to TouchPoint.

For ten years prior to joining TouchPoint, Chris served as Director of Information Services at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, a prominent and influential church. Under his leadership, Redeemer became a leader in its use of new technology solutions to streamline ministry processes and effectively reach people. In his new role Chris will oversee TouchPoint’s product development and strategy.

Speaking of his enthusiasm for TouchPoint’s service to larger churches, Dolan said, “TouchPoint has been a strategic partner for us at Redeemer. It’s an essential tool for how we do ministry. I believe in TouchPoint’s direction. When it comes to church management systems, churches have two basic options. They can choose something rigid and off-the-shelf or something custom. Off-the-shelf solutions don’t have the flexibility that larger churches need, which is the ability to do specific things in a particular way. Custom work is expensive to build and even more cost-prohibitive to maintain. It’s a flawed way of doing things. I love the ministry mindset of TouchPoint. I love that we partner with other churches so that they don’t have to resort to developing software solutions themselves.”

TouchPoint’s president, Ross Miller, echoed Dolan’s excitement for the company’s future, and the role he will play. “We have been processing this decision with Chris for some time now, and I couldn’t be more thrilled that he is joining the team,” he said. “Chris is a key leader in developing new ways to make ministry effective through technology. We knew he was the right person to step into this role. TouchPoint has tripled in size in the past three years. Now that the time is right for him to come on board, I’m excited to see where TouchPoint goes in 2020 and beyond.”

In 2017, Chris and his team at Redeemer were instrumental in advancing the development of TouchPoint’s breakthrough mobile app. Through that partnership, the app launched with features and functionality that are unparalleled in the church market.

Chris says, “Probably the most exciting thing about TouchPoint is its strategy around mobile technology. We live in an age where everybody has a mobile device in their pocket at all times. I see this as a way for our congregants to easily engage with us whenever and wherever they are. We no longer have to wait until somebody is in the pew on Sunday morning or in front of their computer at home to sign up for a community group, make a gift, or engage with the church. Now, they can pull out their phone and do that quickly and easily. That experience is something special we can offer to churches.”

Though Dolan acknowledges that he will miss his former organization, he is looking forward to the future. “It was hard to leave Redeemer because I loved my team. I love my church and what I was doing to serve it. But I also believe in the vision of where TouchPoint is going. It’s a team with a ministry-oriented heart that I want to be a part of. I have a lot of ideas that I can contribute to take the product where it needs to go.”

TouchPoint Software, a Pursuant Group Company, is based in Dallas, Texas. TouchPoint originated out of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, with a vision of being built by the church, for the church. It serves more than several hundred churches. TouchPoint’s web-based solution helps churches move believers toward maturity by supplying tools that engage and connect people to community.

For more information, visit

For inquiries, please reach out to Leah Davenport, Marketing Manager at TouchPoint Software.


phone: 214.866.7738

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Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania Hosts 16.5 Million Visitors Since July 2018

“Our annual findings show tourism plays a crucial role in building our local communities and economies, as well as the importance of strategically positioning Lehigh Valley as a top destination,” says Alex Michaels, president and CEO for Discover Lehigh Valley.

Discover Lehigh Valley® 2018-2019 Annual Report overview:

  • 16.5 million visitors welcomed
  • $1.2 billion in visitor spending and overnight trips
  • $6.27 million spent by internationally based Visa cardholders, bolstering Lehigh Valley to rank seventh in Pennsylvania for international visitors

Discover Lehigh Valley®, the destination marketing organization dedicated to promoting tourism in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh and Northampton counties, has announced that Lehigh Valley welcomed 16.5 million visitors in its fiscal year ending June 30, 2019. The steady flow of tourism resulted in an influx of $1.2 billion to the local economy between visitor spending and overnight trips. Discover Lehigh Valley® shared the news at its annual meeting at Vault 634 where it hosted industry and business leaders from across the region.

“Travel and tourism to Lehigh Valley is stronger than ever. Our annual findings show tourism plays a crucial role in building our local communities and economies, as well as the importance of strategically positioning Lehigh Valley as a top destination,” says Alex Michaels, president and CEO for Discover Lehigh Valley. “Through collaboration of business, tourism, and local leaders, visitors are able to experience the heart of our region. As Discover Lehigh Valley looks to 2020, we are eager to provide memorable and inspiring visitor experiences that welcome people for years to come.”

The group also shared findings from its DestinationNEXT Futures Study and its new strategic plan to strengthen the region’s economy through tourism, while enhancing quality of life and regional pride for residents. To accomplish this mission, Discover Lehigh Valley will evaluate strategic tactics through the lenses of authenticity, collaboration, curiosity, and responsibility.

Discover Lehigh Valley also announced it will be launching a Certified Tourism AmbassadorTM (CTA) program in collaboration with Northampton Community College. CTA is an industry-recognized certification that educates local professionals on a destination’s brand experience.

Local leaders and businesses from across the region were also recognized for their efforts in strengthening local tourism in the last year through the following awards:

  • The Spirit of Tourism Award was presented to Joan Hanscom, executive director of Valley Preferred Cycling Center for her industry expertise, leadership and accomplishments that add value to the visitor’s experience.
  • The Partnership Award was presented to Wind Creek Bethlehem for being a partner that consistently goes above and beyond in promoting the region and driving visitor engagement.
  • The Zenith Award was presented to the Lehigh Valley Phantoms. This award recognizes an organization responsible for hosting a large-scale meeting that brought a strong economic impact to Lehigh Valley.
  • The Tourism Award was presented to City Center Allentown. This honor is given to a local business or initiative that joined the local tourism community in the past year and aided in enhancing the Lehigh Valley brand.

For more information on Discover Lehigh Valley’s Annual Meeting, including photos from the event and the full annual report, visit

About Discover Lehigh Valley

Established in 1984, Discover Lehigh Valley® makes Lehigh and Northampton counties a premier destination through marketing and image building that increases the number of visitors, the number of nights they stay and the number of things they do in the region.

Discover Lehigh Valley’s official visitor website,, keeps locals and visitors abreast of all things happening in the region. Visitors can explore things to do, upcoming events, themed itineraries and hotel packages. Compelling photography and videos, brochures and detailed visitor information make the sites effective trip-planning tools. Along with Discover Lehigh Valley’s social media channels, the online platforms communicate directly with consumers. Travelers can also call and stop into one of the many visitor centers for additional information.

About Lehigh Valley, Pa.

Set amid gentle hills and charming country sides, Lehigh Valley, Pa. is home to Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton, as well as dozens of small towns and picturesque boroughs.

The region is steeped in pre-Colonial, Early American and industrial history. Lehigh Valley has an impressive range of tourist attractions including nationally-recognized events like Musikfest, wineries and breweries, the Lehigh Valley Zoo, outdoor activities, world-class sporting events, 10 colleges and universities, and is home to America’s favorite brands such as Crayola®, Peeps®, Mike & Ike®, Martin Guitars and Mack Trucks. The region offers a diverse array of memorable things to do and plenty of dining options to fit every budget and taste.

And, it’s easy to get to and around. Lehigh Valley is located approximately 60 minutes north of Philadelphia and 90 minutes west of New York City by car.

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Group of Thirty Report Urges Early Action by Countries to Fix Looming Pensions Crisis

Fixing the Pensions Crisis: Ensuring Lifetime Financial Security

The Group of Thirty (G30) has today published the report of its Working Group on Pension Funds, “Fixing the Pensions Crisis: Ensuring Lifetime Financial Security.” The report highlights the challenges of a fundamentally changed environment: a combination of rising life expectancy and decreasing birth rates in recent decades, slower economic growth, and much diminished expected returns on pension fund investments. It identifies a brewing crisis in pensions across a range of countries, with projected resources falling far short of promised retirement benefits. The report also presents the policy choices that have to be addressed so that people can be assured of adequate lifetime financial security – such that they can meet essential living expenses and maintain the standards of living they expect in their retirement years.

The G30 report estimates the gap between expected lifetime financial security benefits and what existing systems can likely provide to be $15.8 trillion by the year 2050 for the 21 countries analyzed (comprising 90 percent and 60 percent of world GDP and population respectively). This lifetime financial security gap would in fact be even larger if less optimistic assumptions for economic growth, wages, and rates of return on pension investments are made.

The G30 report highlights the basic problem: people cannot save the same amounts during their working years as they do currently, retire at the same age, and still receive the same retirement payouts as today, unless they or future generations pay additional taxes. Countries must hence employ some combination of the following policies to address the gap in a fair and sustainable manner:

1.) Increase the retirement age and strengthen employer responsibility for employing older workers and enhancing their productivity;

2.) Increase private savings and/or taxation to support public pensions; and

3.) Re-calibrate income replacement rates in retirement, while protecting replacement rates for the poor.

“Countries across the globe face a mounting challenge: how to offer adequate financial security for retirees, today and sustainably into the future. If public policies and individual behaviors do not change, many countries’ pension systems will face a severe crisis, threatening either unaffordable public expenditure pressures or inadequate incomes for retirees,” said Chair of the G30 Working Group on Pension Funds Lord Adair Turner, Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and former Chairman of the UK’s Financial Services Authority. “Workers and retirees are living longer today. We need to make crucial adjustments to ensure lifetime financial security for retirees, both now and in the future.” He continued: “At the minimum, we recommend countries gradually raise retirement ages in line with the proportional principle, in order to keep stable the proportions of adult life spent in work and in retirement.”

The report emphasizes that reforms to minimize investment management costs must be a priority; otherwise these will reduce returns to pension savers and leave them poorer in retirement. It also encourages policymakers to consider structural changes to pension systems, to better balance the distribution of risks between individuals and scheme sponsors. Such changes include:

  • Allowing the pensionable age in traditional ‘pay-as-you-go’ or Defined Benefit (DB) systems to rise automatically with increases in life expectancy, to enhance sustainability across generations;
  • Developing hybrid Defined Contribution schemes that reduce the investment risks faced by individuals and hence provide more assurance of adequate retirement income; and
  • Complementing Defined Contribution schemes with adequate public safety nets to ensure that no one falls into poverty because they are unable to save.

The report also urges politicians and policymakers to design mechanisms that can better inform public debate about the trade-offs and choices that have to be made, better communicate the costs of inaction, and build consensus around workable combinations of policy solutions.

“Kicking the can down the road will only make the problems larger and impose an inequitable burden on the next generation,” said G30 Chairman Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for Social Policies in Singapore. He continued: “Longer working careers are unavoidable, and they must be productive years. But changes to pension schemes are needed too. The shift from ‘pay-as-you-go’ or defined benefit schemes to defined contribution has improved financial sustainability, but also shifted risk and responsibility from employers and governments to individuals. It has left individuals worse off in many places. Reforms to defined contribution should enable individuals to benefit from collective investment management, at low cost, and not have their retirement savings hostage to market cycles as much as they are today.”

“We are in a global environment of unprecedented low or negative interest rates, with long-term implications on retirement investment funds,” said G30 Working Group on Pension Funds Steering Committee Member Gerd Häusler, Member of the Supervisory Board of Munich Reinsurance and former Financial Counselor and Director of the International Monetary Fund. He continued: “Against this backdrop and the already high tax rates and soaring real estate prices in a number of European countries we all are faced with quite unpleasant realities. Any combination of measures will have to be tilted towards raising the retirement age, however gradually but consistently. Leaders of all countries, supported by experts, must explain this difficult message to voters over and over again: The need for gradual changes to our pensions systems in order to ensure future retirees are provided for at an adequate level, without overburdening our children and grandchildren. As a first measure, my own country included, we must stop going in the wrong direction for whatever justification. All must give some ground, including the older generations, in order to ensure the sustainability of the pensions systems as a whole.”

Lord Turner, Senior Minister Tharman, and Mr. Häusler led the Steering Committee of the G30 Working Group on Pension Funds, supported by six working group members. The research process was supported by Project Director Colin Brereton, Adviser Miles Kennedy, and PwC.

The Group of Thirty is an independent global body comprised of senior representatives of the public and private sectors and academia. The Group aims to deepen understanding of international economic and financial issues, to explore the international repercussions of decisions taken in the public and private sectors, and to examine the choices available to market practitioners and to policymakers. The Group is led by Jacob A. Frenkel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Chairman of the Group.

G30 Media Briefing: The G30 will convene a live webcast press conference with Adair Turner and Gerd Häusler on November 14, 2019, at 1:00pm GMT (2:00pm CET, 8:00am EST, 9:00pm SGT). After delivering opening remarks on specific topics addressed in the G30 “Fixing the Pensions Crisis: Ensuring Lifetime Financial Security” report, Lord Turner and Mr. Häusler will answer questions.

A recording of this briefing can be found at:

A copy of the report can be found on the G30 website:

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Novio Hires Industry Veteran Eric Solomon as Their First CMO in Residence

Eric Solomon

“I was immediately drawn to Novio because of its people, philosophy, and unique approach to solving not just brand, but also business problems.”

Novio, Inc., a creative consultancy that works directly with the CEOs, Founders, and CMOs to help transform their business through brand design and storytelling, announced today that Eric Solomon has joined the agency in the newly created role of Chief Marketing Officer in Residence.

“One of our core values at Novio is empathy—the ability to understand the feelings and attitudes of others. It’s essential to creating truly meaningful brand work,” said Leigh Pyle, Novio Managing Partner. “In our ongoing quest to keep creating emotional, foundational, transformational work for CMOs, we figured we should hire one of our own. So we brought in Eric.”

Solomon joins Novio after serving as a marketing leader at some of the most well-known technology companies in the world—including YouTube, Spotify, and Instagram. He’s also held senior brand strategist roles at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and Venables Bell & Partners. Prior to entering the advertising world, Eric worked in academia, earning his Ph.D. in psychology at Northeastern University and working as a researcher at UCSF. He is based in New York.

“I was immediately drawn to Novio because of its people, philosophy, and unique approach to solving not just brand, but also business problems,” says Solomon. “I am thrilled to be here as Novio continues in its mission to help brands be in the market for hearts and not just chase wallets.”

For the last eight years, Novio, founded by Creative Directors, Jay Rendon and Paul Curtin (both Eleven and Goodby veterans), has partnered with some of the most compelling brands including UCSF, XOJet, Personal Capital, HP, and Ventana Big Sur. The agency serves as strategic thinkers and creative consiglieres, and collaborates on everything from global branding initiatives and unique digital experiences to traditional advertising campaigns and thought-provoking content.

For more information on Novio, please visit

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Gary Ludden Joins Ver-Tex Construction as Chief Operating Officer

Ver-Tex Construction (Ver-Tex) recently announced that Gary Ludden, a proven leader in the construction industry, will join the company as Chief Operating Officer. At Ver-Tex, Ludden will oversee the Operations Division and will assume a strategic role in the overall management of the company.

Ludden brings with him over 30 years of progressive experience in the construction industry, having previously worked as President at Woodmeister Master Builders, a reputable and highly successful high-end residential and commercial millwork and general contracting company. Ludden’s success at Woodmeister includes growing the revenue of his former company significantly during the course of his tenure there and creating a unique management training tool, called the Next Level Leadership Program, which provides individual employees with leadership coaching, personal and professional development, as well as team-building skills at all levels in the company. He has also served as an active advisor at the Worcester Vocational Technical High School and has completed numerous professional development courses including Harvard Business School’s prestigious Owners, Presidents, and Managers Program and the Smaller Business Association of New England’s Executive Management Program.

“I am excited to join the Ver-Tex team and look forward to bringing my years of expertise to the company to help Ver-Tex continue to grow and expand as an industry leader,” said Ludden. He continued, “I will use my years of experience to cultivate leadership skills at all levels of the company and to empower all team members in their personal and professional growth and development.”

“I am extremely enthusiastic about Gary joining the Ver-Tex team. His track record of exemplary performance, mentorship, and dedication to helping others achieve their own personal growth and success will prove monumental to the continued growth and expansion of Ver-Tex. Welcome to the team, Gary!” said Brianna Goodwin, President and CEO of Ver-Tex Construction.

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Neighborhood Credit Union Wins Award for Logo Design

2019 Pinnacle Awards Neighborhood Credit Union recipients

Neighborhood Credit Union Marketing Department

“We are proud of our marketing team and look forward to more recognition like this for our award-winning brand.”

This November Neighborhood Credit Union won an award for its logo design at the annual Cornerstone Credit Union League Conference which was held in Allex, TX. This year members throughout the league gathered for a variety of workshops and the presentation of the 2019 Pinnacle Award Winners.

Held at the Delta Hotel and Waters Creek Convention Center in Allen, TX November 4-6, Cornerstone Credit Union League members from Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas gathered for the annual Growth and Engagement Conference where the Marketing and Business Development Council recognized the 2019 Pinnacle Award Winners. With more than 20 categories, it is an opportunity to celebrate credit unions and their staff for their creativity, hard work, and execution of all things marketing. In attendance were nearly 100 members.

Neighborhood Credit Union competed alongside credit unions from Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas who all qualified in asset sizes $400 million – $1 billion. After submission, Cornerstone Credit Union League partnered with judges who either work for credit unions outside of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas or work for a vendor that has partnered with credit unions. This year 7 judges from across the US participated in selecting the Pinnacle Awards.

This win comes right after launching a complete rebrand in October 2018. Senior Vice President of Remote Services and Member Development Carolyn Jordan said, “We are proud of our marketing team and look forward to more recognition like this for our award-winning brand.”

As an active part of the community for 90 years, Neighborhood Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial organization with locations in Collin, Dallas, Denton and Ellis counties, as well as the city of Arlington. Located all across North Texas and assets topping $715 million, Neighborhood Credit Union has a continuously growing membership of 56,000. For more information, call (214) 748-9393 or visit

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Exhibit Industry Stand-Out Tom Frisby Joins Steelhead Productions as Chief Design Officer

Steelhead Productions announced today that Tom Frisby has joined the company as Chief Design Officer.

In his new role, Frisby will oversee Steelhead’s design and development teams, as well as help drive its ongoing commitment to bringing more sustainable solutions to the exhibit and trade show industries.

“Sustainability and creative design for human experiences are at the center of what we do,” said Steelhead CEO Sean Combs. “Tom brings a background of deep brand-specific design to help realize those goals on both fronts.”

Widely considered an industry visionary, Frisby said he chose Steelhead because he sees the company at the forefront of where the industry is going.

“The culture at Steelhead is remarkable,” he said. “It’s fresh and alive, authentic and a little bit raw. Most of all it’s incredibly authentic.”

Steelhead’s focus as a made for the moment exhibit provider also fueled Frisby’s decision.

“At this stage in my career, environmental sustainability is extremely important to me,” he said. “Steelhead is at the forefront of delivering creative designs without wasting resources. That’s becoming increasingly important to companies.”

In addition to leading Steelhead’s creative teams, Frisby will represent the company at various events throughout the year to offer his insights on trends and pushing the industry forward.

“Steelhead is an experience and design-focused company,” said Combs. “Having Tom guiding our creative process and presenting our vision to the rest of the industry is truly exciting.”

About Steelhead Productions

Steelhead Productions designs custom trade show booths and exhibits for leading companies like Ultimate Software and Cox Automotive. Steelhead’s commitment to its customers is outlined in its three brand promises: No Surprises, Awesome Support, and Fun Along the Way. With a curated trade show booth, your brand can count on Steelhead to create the perfect exhibit so you can achieve your marketing goals and Exhibit Happy®.

Ready to have Steelhead’s exciting industry-leading designs work for your brand? Contact us today for a guaranteed quote on your next exhibit .

Steelhead Productions

Rhiannon Andersen

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Granite Insurance Brokers Names Vaishali Raval as Agency Operations Manager

Vaishali Raval, Agency Operation Manager

Vaishali’s background will help propel the company forward, allowing us to innovate and streamline the way the agency interfaces with our partners and customers.

Granite Insurance Brokers & E-COMP are excited to announce that Vaishali Raval has been named Agency Operations Manager, strengthening the company’s award-winning management team.

Vaishali brings over 16 years of experience from within the insurance industry, with an extensive background in agency systems, operations, commercial lines and customer management. She will be working with our business insurance divisions to further develop and streamline systems that leverage technology and enhance the company’s vision, delivering the ultimate customer experience.

“We’re excited to welcome Vaishali as our Agency Operations Manager,” said Shawn Marie Edgington, President of Granite Insurance Brokers. “Vaishali has an extensive background within the commercial lines industry and insurance agency systems. She has a deep understanding of how to leverage systems and enhance customer satisfaction. These go hand-in-hand within our agencies values. Vaishali’s background will help propel the company forward, allowing us to innovate and streamline the way the agency interfaces with our partners and customers. Granite understands the need for consistent innovation, which directly reflects our ongoing commitment to bring new perspectives to the company. Ms. Edgington continued “Our team remains focused on executing our continued efforts to deliver excellence on all levels. We’re delighted that Vaishali has joined the Granite Family during this exciting time in our innovative journey.”

Raval added, “I’m very excited to join the Granite Team, a woman empowered company that has synergized innovation, insurance and technology. Shawn Edgington, CEO, has assembled an outstanding team with exceptional knowledge and a customer first philosophy. As the company’s Operations Manager, I’m looking forward to adding value and leveraging new technology to support our team and provide our partners and clients “Service with Excellence.”

About Granite Insurance Brokers & E-COMP Division:

A woman-owned company founded in 1992 and headquartered in Pleasanton, California. Granite Insurance Brokers has nationwide presence offering comprehensive business insurance, employee benefits, loss control and claims management.

Through a payroll partner driven strategy, Granite’s nationally recognized E-COMP Division is a leader in providing pay-as-you-go workers’ compensation solutions to payroll processors, franchisees and software companies throughout the country. We leverage proprietary technology to receive a company’s actual payroll data to calculate and pay premiums, which eliminates the deposit, improves premium accuracy and minimizes the financial exposure of a workers’ compensation audit.

Visit Granite at and visit E-COMP at

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ATP CaseBank Augments Management Team in 2019

ATP CaseBank®, a leading provider of information services and software solutions for the aviation industry, significantly augmented its management ranks over the past several months. In chronological order, these additions included:

Dr. Mike Profit, Chief Product Officer. Mike joined ATP CaseBank in March, coming from WorkWave, an industry leader in field service management software. Prior to WorkWave, Mike was VP of Product Development at Systech, an anti-counterfeiting and supply chain software company. He also served as a General Manager for Symantec, where he led the growth of that company’s global partner business for website security product lines. Mike has also held senior product roles in small and large software companies in the US and the UK where he focused and delivered on operational efficiencies, product management processes, and bridging the gap between software concept and commercially successful solutions. Mike holds a Bachelor of Science and a PhD in Evolutionary Biology, both from the University of London in the UK.

James Geneau, Chief Marketing Officer. James joined the company in May from Benbria, a company offering a SaaS platform designed to help small and medium size businesses and enterprise brands enhance their customer’s experiences. Prior to Benbria, James held leading marketing roles at multiple companies in the US, Canada, and the Caribbean, including Simply Hired, Benecaid, and Morneau Shepell. He began his career at Dow Chemical. James has a BA from Concordia University in Montréal and has completed executive education in Marketing at both the University of Toronto and the Edinburgh (Scotland) School of Business.

Saima Shaukat, Chief Revenue Officer. Saima was most recently CRO for TechCanary, a SaaS InsurTech company offering an insurance platform on Salesforce. Saima led the effort in developing the go-to-market strategy, establishing and expanding into new markets for TechCanary’s platform, and growing revenue by 3X. Prior to joining TechCanary, Saima enjoyed 13 years of progressive experience at Salesforce from 2005 to 2018, where she was consistently placed in entrepreneurial high-growth divisions within the company. Most recently, as GM and Vice-President Financial Services, she created the Financial Services Team in Canada and then subsequently grew revenue 300% over her tenure. Saima has a Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Minor in Computer Science from McGill University in Montréal.

Saima is taking over from Ken Aubrey who has led ATP CaseBank’s sales efforts for the past four years, but who is retiring at the end of the year and moving into an Executive Adviser role.

According to Rick Noble, ATP CaseBank’s CEO, “Our goal in bringing these very talented and experienced managers into the organization is to augment our existing team of professionals who serve in our Toronto, San Francisco, and Austin offices – all of whom are working toward the company’s overarching goal of making flying safer and more reliable.”

Earlier this year, ATP CaseBank announced a significant enhancement to its ChronicX product, which is now capable of not only identifying recurring issues more efficiently but can now return fully coded data to customers. ChronicX is now used on a quarter of the free world’s airliners. In 2019, ATP CaseBank also began work piloting a new dedicated database for their SpotLight software, designed specifically to support the largest single fleet of commercial airliners in the world.”

“Maintaining our momentum in continuing to enhance our products and our reach into commercial airlines, OEMs, and the military remains a primary goal, and we are excited to have Mike, James, and Saima now helping to drive those efforts”, Mr. Noble added.

About ATP CaseBank

ATP CaseBank is a global information services and software company focused on making flying safer and more reliable. Our content division offers a suite of reference content, airworthiness, diagnostics and reliability services that optimize aircraft availability and operational compliance. Our software division provides troubleshooting, reliability, and defect trend analysis tools that help engineering and service teams accelerate equipment repair, increase uptime, reduce warranty costs, and improve product support and performance. The company has deployed solutions worldwide to support multiple Fortune 100 companies. As a global company, ATP CaseBank has more than 6,700 customers in 137 countries, with almost 50 years of experience in the information services and software industries.

For more information, visit or

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A New Article Presents The Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

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“It is important to always drive safely and be prepared to deal with dangerous situations,” said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company has launched a new blog post that presents the most common causes of car accidents.

For more info and tips on how to lower car insurance rates, visit

Car accidents are very common in the United States and most of them are caused by human error. Although most of the accidents are minor, tens of thousands of lives are lost each year in fatal car crashes. It is important to drive carefully and follow all the traffic laws, in order to avoid being involved in a car accident. The most common causes of accidents in the United States are:

  •     Distracted driving. This is the leading cause of car accidents. In recent times, more and more drivers get distracted and stop paying attention to the road. Texting on the smartphone, or applying makeup while driving, are common sightings nowadays. All it takes are just a few moments of distraction to cause an accident.
  •     Drunk driving. Driving while being drunk is one of the leading causes of accidents in the US. If a driver plans on drinking, he should expect until the drinking effects disappear before he starts driving.
  •     Breaking the speed limits. Speeding is the second most common cause of accidents. Many drivers ignore the speed limits, especially on the highways. The faster someone drives, the slower is his reaction time.
  •     Reckless driving. Drivers that are speeding well over the limit, changing lanes too quickly, or driving aggressively.
  •     Driving in bad weather conditions. Drivers that are driving in dense fog, excessive rain, high winds, slick roads can cause accidents, especially if they are inexperienced or unprepared for the road conditions.
  •     Not stopping while the red light is running. Drivers can cause a serious accident by running a red light. Drivers that are caught running red light say stuff like they were in a hurry reaching to their workplace, or to an important meeting. It is important to remember, that no issue is more important than your own life.
  •     Driving during nighttime. Reduced visibility during nighttime can make obstacles and hazards harder to spot. Drivers should make sure they use the full lights when they are on a road without streetlights and raise their alertness levels.

For additional info, money-saving tips and free car insurance quotes, visit is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

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