Car Insurance 2020 Guide – What Is The Difference Between A Car Insurance Agent And A Car Insurance Broker?

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“Insurance agents and insurance brokers play important roles in the car insurance industry. While the insurance agent wants to sell you policies from a specific insurer, the insurance broker will help you find the best insurance deal that fits your needs”, said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director has launched a new blog post that explains the differences between car insurance agents and car insurance brokers.

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Insurance brokers and insurance agents are industry professionals that act as intermediaries between policyholders and insurance companies. The most important difference between insurance brokers and insurance agents is who they represent. The insurance broker represents the policyholder. The broker can help a driver find the best car insurance policy. The insurance agent represents one or more insurance companies. Insurance agents will try to sell policies from their companies to any potential customer.

Drivers who haven’t decided with whom to work should consider the following about insurance brokers and agents:

  • Insurance brokers: Brokers work for the customers and not the insurers. Brokers can help drivers to determine their own insurance needs and they can assist them when looking for a policy that can satisfy those needs. While some customers need brokers to find cheaper insurance policies, other customers have complex insurance needs and they require assistance. Brokers can recommend the drivers some insurance products that can help them save money on insurance. Drivers who got involved in an accident can get assistance from the broker when making a claim. Brokers can help drivers manage the claim, organize the documents, or handle the insurance company. Usually, brokers work for smaller companies that represent large insurance companies
  • Insurance agents: Usually, an insurance agent represents a single insurance company. An insurance agent serves as the link between policyholders and insurers. Some insurance companies have a business model that is based on bundling personal connections between insurance agents and customers and they are selling policies only through their insurance agents. Some insurance agents have the best interests and they will help drivers compare insurance plans and look for better deals. Other agents just want to sell policies that bring the largest commissions.

Drives who choose to work with an insurance broker can gain the following benefits:

  • Honesty. Brokers are required by law to disclose the commission rates, insurance policy terms, and other items.
  • Better premiums. In many cases, insurance brokers can access cheaper car insurance premiums than ordinary people can. Drivers working with a broker can save 10% to 15%.
  • Avoid complex policy comparisons. Comparing insurance plans can be quite overwhelming for many. However, an insurance broker knows where to look and will help customers pick the best insurance plan.
  • The commission is included in insurance premiums. Insurance brokers are not working for free, and their commission is bundled with the customers’ premiums.
  • Objective and neutral. Brokers are not biased towards any insurer. Their goal is to help customers find an insurance deal that fits their needs. Insurance brokers can customize policies objectively and neutrally.

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