Brain Sentinel Announces Satellite Symposium at AES Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland

Unlike patient-reported outcomes, the sEMG signal can help physicians characterize and quantify events giving them better clarity about what is happening.

Brain Sentinel, Inc. announces it is hosting a non-CME satellite symposium for healthcare professionals in Baltimore, Maryland at the AES Annual Meeting. The symposium, “Fundamentals of Quantitative Surface Electromyography (sEMG) for Long-Term Monitoring”, has 5 key learning objectives:

1. Understand methods of quantitative sEMG analysis during ictal events;

2. Review specific sEMG patterns of motor seizures and the quantitative EMG biomarkers of convulsive seizures;

3. Discuss how physicians can differentiate between sEMG data recorded during epileptic and psychogenic non-epileptic events;

4. Identify patients that may benefit from long-term physiological monitoring; and

5. Discuss the value of sEMG in clarifying patient-reported seizures.

“In 2017, the FDA cleared the SPEAC® System as the first non-EEG physiological signal based seizure monitoring system to identify sEMG signals that may be associated with a seizure,” said Dr. Luke Whitmire, PhD, Chief Science Officer of Brain Sentinel. “Over the past three years, our understanding of the clinical value of sEMG data has expanded. Today, physicians are using sEMG data to characterize the events their patients are having in the real-world. Unlike patient-reported outcomes, the sEMG signal can help physicians characterize and quantify events giving them better clarity about what is happening. We are seeing how the objective data can influence physicians’ treatment plans,” continued Whitmire.

Healthcare professionals are invited to attend. Pre-Registration is encouraged and can be done online at

  • Sunday, December 8, 2019
  • 7:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
  • Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, Key Ballroom 4, Second Floor

Panelists and Speakers:

1. Jonathan J. Halford MD, FAES, FACNS

Professor of Neurology

Director, Translational Research Unit

The Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina

2. Selim R. Benbadis MD, FAAN, FACNS

Professor of Neurology and Director

Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, The University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida and Tampa General Hospital

3. Sándor Beniczky MD, PhD

Professor of Neurology, Aarhus University Hospital

Head of Clinical Neurophysiology Department,

Danish Epilepsy Centre

Editor-in-chief, Epileptic Disorders

“Brain Sentinel is committed to helping patients. We are excited that high-profile thought leaders are sharing their expertise related to how physicians can use sEMG data to improve outcomes,” said Chris Fashek, CEO of Brain Sentinel. Fashek continued, “There is a data gap between short-term EEG studies and low-tech patient diaries. When sEMG data is continuously recorded for 30 days or longer, it can bring objectivity and clarity to physicians when other data sources are limited.”

About Brain Sentinel

Brain Sentinel, Inc. is a privately held company based in San Antonio, Texas, pioneering the use of sEMG technology to help improve the lives of people living with epilepsy. Brain Sentinel manufactures robust diagnostic monitoring platforms for seizures. The SPEAC System is the first-in-class, non-EEG, physiological signal-based seizure monitoring system cleared by the FDA. The data collected by the SPEAC System helps physicians quantify and qualify the types of seizure events that their patients experience. For more information visit

Note: Opinions presented during the Industry Supported Non-CME Satellite Symposia are those of the speakers and not a reflection of AES opinions, nor are they supported, sponsored, or endorsed by the American Epilepsy Society.

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