Bloomfire Offers Free News Hub to Help Customers Monitor COVID-19 Updates

Knowledge engagement software company Bloomfire announced today that they are giving all current customers access to their premium News Hub feature for free through the end of June to allow customers to better monitor COVID-19 and other news of interest. News Hub allows customers to track market trends, competitors, and industry news. Customers can click to add relevant articles to their organization’s Bloomfire knowledge base so that all employees stay informed and aligned around the same information.

Bloomfire decided to make this premium feature available for free through June to help customers monitor news about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on their business or industry. “News about COVID-19 is moving fast,” says Bloomfire CEO Mark Hammer. “We understand how challenging it is for organizations to keep their employees up to date during this uncertain time, especially when so many are working remotely. By giving our customers access to News Hub, we’re hoping to make it easier for them to get important information to their employees quickly.”

When Bloomfire customers add News Hub to their knowledge base, all their end users can view preview cards for the articles in the customized News Hub feeds and click to view the original source. Users who have the ability to create content can also add articles to posts in their Bloomfire knowledge base with a single click. Adding articles to their knowledge base makes it easy for other users to find the content by doing a keyword search or browsing by custom categories.

Bloomfire customers who are interested in using News Hub for free through the month of June can reach out to their Account Manager.

About Bloomfire

Bloomfire is the leader in knowledge engagement, delivering an experience that connects teams and individuals with the information they need to excel at their jobs. Our cloud-based knowledge engagement platform gives people one centralized, searchable place to engage with shared knowledge and grow their organization’s collective intelligence. For more information or to schedule a demo, visit

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