Now, more than ever, the Ethics Approved Program means something in this day and age when ethics is crucial. It is an integral part of our membership benefits…IARFC Trustee Chair and CEO, H. Stephen Bailey, MRFC®.
September 18, 2019
Being in line with the mission of an association is the most important consideration. The IARFC feels it is equally essential to determine if the benefits are right for the consultant. Many times benefits appear ordinary on the surface until they are explored more fully. The White paper explores such topics as Benefit Strategy, Timeliness, Designations, Credentials, Trademarks, Code of Ethics, Ethics Approved Status, Practice Management Tools, Branding, Publications, Visibility, Partner Programs, Social Media, Networking, Award Recognition, Insurance, Educational Programs, Leadership Positions, Give Back Opportunities, and International Recognition.
“We feel that the most valuable benefits that are obtainable to the members of the IARFC are the designations/credential,” observed Trustee Chair and CEO, H. Stephen Bailey, MRFC®. “The Association has gone to considerable time and expense to accredit the Master Register Financial Consultant (MRFC®) credential in order to stay relevant in our industry. This was in answer to member’s request which was more acceptable to their broker dealers.”
While not exactly a tangible product, adhering to an established Code of Ethics is a way of announcing to clients, prospects, and consumers that the consultant realizes a fiduciary responsibility. Qualifying those commitments is accomplished through the IARFC Ethics Approved Status where high standards are met for members and are under constant review. “When we first started this program, we didn’t realize the significance of this rating,” continued Bailey. “Now, more than ever, the program means something in this day and age when ethics is crucial. It is an integral part of our membership benefits.”
Visibility should not be overlooked. A financial services association provides opportunities to assume leadership positions, expand on financial topics through written articles, and distribute social media on a more widespread platform. Credibility is established though these connections to a well-established organization.
Complete descriptions of benefits can be found by going to the IARFC Store and downloading the White Paper.
For more information on the IARFC and all the benefits it has to offer visit
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