Barry L. Dayley, MRFC® – 2020 Loren Dunton Memorial Award Recipient

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Loren Dunton Memorial Award

“Barry Dayley, MRFC® has worked tirelessly to uphold those values espoused by Dunton not only in his professional interaction with clients, but in empowering others to seek and succeed in a financial services vocation. IARFC Trustee Chair H. Stephen Bailey, MRFC ®.

Generally regarded as the “Father of Financial Planning”, Loren Dunton organized financial professionals in the late sixties and with their help created the financial planning movement. Dunton developed associations, magazines, colleges, university programs and foundations. He used his experiences to frankly explain what all financial advisors now recognize – that the ethical sales of financial products and the delivery of competent advice is a noble calling. Loren Dunton was a man of vision who cared deeply about both financial consultants and consumers. The Loren Dunton Memorial Award was first conferred in 2000 at the IARFC Financial Advisors Forum. The selection committee has strived to honor consultants who have demonstrated effectiveness in carrying the message of responsible financial stewardship to the public, and have high ethical and professional standards.

This year’s recipient, Barry L. Dayley, has worked in the financial planning and wealth management business since 1981 when he started his own Money Concepts Financial Planning Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. In 1985 he received a request from Jack Walsh, the founder of Money Concepts, to serve as a consultant for Money Concepts and CUNA Mutual to develop a financial planning program for credit unions nationwide. In this role, Barry helped lead the establishment of over 600 financial planning programs in credit unions across the United States. Later, Barry accepted a position as the Division Manager of Member Services, where he led the operations of CUNA Mutual Group in the Northwest Marketing Division. In 1998, he returned to Money Concepts as a Senior Vice President with emphasis on financial institution development. Currently Barry is the Executive Vice President of Money Concepts with national and international responsibilities.

“I met Loren Dunton in the mid 1980’s at the annual meeting of the International Association of Financial Planning (now the FPA) in San Francisco. I was honored to talk to him and was impressed with the impact he had on the financial planning profession. He even gave me a copy of his latest book, About Your Future. Mr. Dunton was a true pioneer and selfless leader. It is a great honor to receive an award that bears his name. I will try to live up to the pattern he set for us.”

Barry’s educational background includes; a Bachelor of Science from Brigham Young University with a degree in Financial and Estate Planning (1980), the achievement of the Certified Financial Planner™ designation (1989), and the Master Registered Financial Consultant (MRFC®) credential (2017). He is a student of the business and is a frequent speaker at functions of the American Bankers Association, the National Federal Credit Union Association, and other industry conferences. In addition, Barry conducts an ongoing series of training and continuing education programs nationally with the over 700 Representatives of Money Concepts Capital Corp. In spite of Barry’s demanding corporate responsibilities, he still maintains a very small financial planning client base to keep his skills sharp, and maintain involvement in a profession he loves

The Loren Dunton Memorial Award celebrates an IARFC member who has dedicated their career to Dunton’s vision of the financial planning profession and the ethical treatment of clients,” declared IARFC Trustee Chair and CEO, H. Stephen Bailey, MRFC®. “Barry Dayley, MRFC® has worked tirelessly to uphold those values espoused by Dunton not only in his professional interaction with clients, but in empowering others to seek and succeed in a financial services vocation. I salute him for his commitment and his professional life’s work.”

For additional information on the IARFC and the Loren Dunton Memorial Award visit the IARFC website.

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