Aeroscena® Debuts Ascents® Tabs: Ascents®-Brand Clinical Aromatherapy Patches

Clinical Aromatherapy Patches

Ascents® Tab Clinical Aromatherapy Patches for Anxiety and Nausea Relief

Because Ascents Tabs are non-metallic, they are safe to use in MRI machines, while helping patients feel calmer and more relaxed before, during and after these types of scans. This reduces the number of incomplete and repeat scans due to issues with patient compliance.

Aeroscena® LLC has debuted its newest Ascents®-branded product, clinical aromatherapy patches. These essential oil patches — Ascents Tabs — are a safe, effective, and easy-to-use first-line nursing intervention for relief of nausea and anxiety in healthcare environments. While available to consumers, they were developed specifically for hospital use.

Ascents® Tab clinical aromatherapy patches are currently available in two formulations: Calm No. 34, and Nausea Relief No. 44. Both simply peel-and-stick, and are meant to adhere directly to the skin. A proprietary occlusive barrier prevents the essential oils in the patch from making direct skin contact; however, they may also be placed on disposable hospital gowns.

Once applied to skin or gowns, the aromatherapy patches immediately begin to diffuse therapeutic scent thereby decreasing symptoms including nausea (PONV, CINV, morning sickness) or anxiety, depending on the patch’s formula. The patches are designed to work for up to 8 hours while keeping the scent close enough to the patient that it is unobtrusive to others in the immediate vicinity.

Ascents Tabs: Benefits in Clinical Environments

Ascents Tabs are disposable and were designed for single-patient use. This prevents any potential contamination with viruses or bacteria from other users. Because some clinical environments still resort to the use of liquid essential oils, the transmission of viruses or bacteria is, unfortunately, possible. Ascents Tabs are a safe and sanitary way to provide symptomatic relief for patients without the risk of cross-contamination.

Ascents Tabs aromatherapy patches are also convenient. They do not need to be held, touched, or otherwise manipulated once applied. This means that even patients with mobility or dexterity challenges are able to use them without issue. And because patches cannot “spill” like a liquid oil, they pose no risk of chemical burn or becoming a slipping hazard.

Ascents Tabs: Use Cases

Ascents Tabs provide clinicians with a practical, non-pharmaceutical intervention option in hospitals and other clinical environments for the symptomatic relief of nausea and anxiety in affected patients. Ascents Tabs are especially useful in mitigating anxiety for those patients who have difficulty undergoing MRIs. “MRIs can feel quite understandably claustrophobic due to their design, and are often time-consuming, which makes anxiety a common patient reaction,” says Aeroscena’s founder and CEO, Mark Kohoot. “Because Ascents Tabs are non-metallic, they are safe to use in MRI machines, while helping patients feel calmer and more relaxed before, during and after these types of scans. This reduces the number of incomplete and repeat scans due to issues with patient compliance.”

Besides MRIs, Ascents Tabs can be used in post-surgical units to alleviate postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), in chemotherapy infusion centers to decrease nausea (CINV) and feelings of stress or anxiety, and in obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) practices and labor and delivery units for maternal health challenges including morning sickness and labor pain/anxiety.

There is also an emerging trend that calls for the use of essential oil patches as an aid to patient caregivers on the front lines, including nurses, technicians, and medical assistants. Ascents Tabs are a convenient stress-reduction intervention that can help clinicians stay calm during shifts, as well as recover more quickly during breaks or after their workdays come to an end due to their unobtrusive, no-mess, easy-to-use form factor.

About Aeroscena®, LLC

Established in 2010, Aeroscena is the corporate research and development organization behind Ascents®-brand clinical aromatherapy. Aeroscena has designed the first scientifically-recognized platform for essential oil and aromatherapy R&D for their use as medical interventions (phytoceuticals; plant-based pharmaceuticals) and in CPG products (natural, functional fragrance).

Ascents’ evidence-based essential oil blends are the only aromatherapy formulas that are recommended by doctors, used by hospitals®.

Aeroscena is located in the Cleveland Clinic Global Cardiovascular Innovations Center in Cleveland, OH. For more information about Ascents, visit For more information about Aeroscena®, visit

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