Adam E. Oblad’s newly released “His Name Is John Son of Elizabeth and Zacharias” a charming and insightful take on the story of John the Baptist


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“His Name Is John Son of Elizabeth and Zacharias”: a helpful resource for spiritual mentors and religious educators, bringing to life the special bond between John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. “His Name Is John Son of Elizabeth and Zacharias” is the creation of published author Adam E. Oblad, a devoted father and disciple of Christ.

Oblad shares, “John the Baptist is known for his role in baptizing Jesus. Little attention has been given to the miracles surrounding John’s birth and the faith of his parents (Elizabeth and Zacharias). John’s mission involved preparing a group of people for the arrival of the Savior of the world. John also taught the importance of repentance, forgiveness, kindness, and good morals.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Adam E. Oblad’s new book offers an encouraging message while imparting an important scriptural story for young readers.

Oblad shares an easy-to-follow narrative with engaging imagery for the encouragement and nurturing of those beginning to learn of God’s word.

Consumers can purchase “His Name Is John Son of Elizabeth and Zacharias” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “His Name Is John Son of Elizabeth and Zacharias,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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