A New Application From EverCheck Ensures Caregivers Have The Right Licensure


For over a decade, EverCheck’s HR solution has enabled healthcare organizations to be confident their caregivers are compliant with regulatory standards. The addition of Positions Manager to EverCheck HR leaves no doubt about what licensure a caregiver needs to satisfy both the regulatory and organizational requirements needed to provide care.

Positions Manager offers a more streamlined, centralized approach to managing job requirements for licensed healthcare professionals. Compared to traditional methods, Positions Manager prevents HR and/or Talent Acquisition teams from manually cross-referencing a caregiver’s licensure with the requirements for their specific role.

With Positions Manager, users define the requirements for each position in their organization just once, giving EverCheck the information it needs to automatically collect the appropriate licenses, registrations, and certifications from caregivers and verify them against the primary source. EverCheck then calculates if the caregiver is eligible to work based on the definitions for their role and relays that information to HR and/or Talent Acquisition teams. For users, EverCheck acts as a centralized repository for position information across the entire organization while also offering a clear line of sight into which caregivers are Clear To Work.

About EverCheck:

EverCheck is a platform-as-a-service software company providing Clear To Work solutions for more than 375 healthcare organizations across the nation. Daily, automated verification is the cornerstone of EverCheck’s HR solution, setting the gold standard for healthcare license, certification, and registration verification. Learn more about the Clear To Work platform at evercheck.com

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