Why Is Distracted Driving So Dangerous And How Does It Influence Car Insurance Rates

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“It is important to keep focusing on the road. Distractions of any kind should be avoided while you are driving”, said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company.

Compare-autoinsurance.org has launched a new blog post that explains how distracted driving can affect car insurance rates.

For more info and free car insurance quotes online, visit https://compare-autoinsurance.org/distracted-driving-and-car-insurance-rates/

Distracted driving comes in numerous forms. Not surprisingly, young drivers are the ones more likely to be distracted while driving. Besides endangering drivers’ lives, distracted driving can also affect their insurance costs.

Distracted drivers are making insurance companies to increase the costs of car insurance for everyone. American drivers that are using their smartphones and other gadgets while driving are getting involved in more accidents because of it. The use of smartphones while driving has always been considered a safety issue. With the ever-increasing number of social media apps, smartphone addiction is now considered a social concern. Many states have begun to take measures, and they ban the use of smartphones completely while driving.

Many surveys show that the majority of American drivers admit they are using their smartphones while driving. One survey has shown that 61% of drivers admitted they are using their phones while driving, while another study has shown an even higher percentage of 70% of drivers admitting using their phones while behind the wheel.

Young drivers (age 16 to 24) have been observed manipulating electronic devices at higher rates than older drivers,” the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports, noting that 10% of drivers ages 15 to 19 involved in fatal crashes were distracted behind the wheel.

For additional info, money-saving tips and free car insurance quotes, visit https://compare-autoinsurance.org/

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