Monitor Mondays Marks 10th Anniversary of Inaugural Broadcast

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Monitor Mondays has become an indispensable source of information for healthcare providers of many different types

Monitor Mondays, the weekly live podcast produced by, is marking the 10th anniversary of its inaugural edition with an extended hour-long live podcast, it’s first of the new calendar year, at 9 a.m. CST on Monday, January 13.

“RACmonitor was launched in 2008 because, at that time, the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program was gaining traction. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) had recently concluded a demonstration (pilot) of the RAC concept with four states, and the consensus was that CMS would move forward, and so we wanted to alert hospitals to this new development,” Publisher and Monitor Mondays Program Host and Executive Producer Chuck Buck recalled. “The federal auditing that began at that point has only intensified ever since, and Monitor Mondays quickly became a landmark, go-to feature that helps us keep readers and listeners informed.”

Nearly 12,400 professionals from across the U.S. healthcare system subscribe and listen in to Monitor Mondays each week – more than two listeners for each of the estimated 5,500-6,000 hospitals currently operating nationwide. Of those listeners, as many as 1,000 tend to tune in live each Monday morning, and far more take in the recorded podcast, which from 2018 into 2019 boasted more than 250,000 replays across the various streaming platforms that now offer it – including Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, TuneIn, and Stitcher.

“As a new decade begins, it will be more important than ever for compliance practitioners to stay informed and engaged. The interest in healthcare coordination and accountability to secure value-based, positive health outcomes will only accelerate in the future, with the introduction of new technological tools and additional scientific discoveries. Compliance officials will play a critical role in ensuring that their providers maintain sound compliance practices as new delivery and payment designs are implemented to meet these new expectations,” said former U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General Daniel Levinson, who resigned last year after serving 15 years in that capacity. “As the compliance mission becomes more central to enterprise success, having the right information-gathering and networking opportunities are critical. Through its weekly broadcasts, RACmonitor provides a highly efficient and timely service, precisely to meet these ever-growing needs.”

Levinson was one of 10 healthcare industry experts to record testimonials about the 10th anniversary of Monitor Mondays’ launch – some of which will be shared during the special hour-long live podcast.

“Monitor Mondays has become an indispensable source of information for healthcare providers of many different types,” said William A. Dombi, Esq., President of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice. “I’m privileged to be part of the Monitor Mondays team, and really look forward to another 10 years of great, timely information that covers the topics that are so essential to making healthcare as significant a part of society as it is.”

Monitor Mondays has been recognized for excellence in reporting by numerous individuals and organizations over the years, most recently when ExamWorks listed it among its “50 Best Podcasts for Claims Adjusters” in June 2019.

Looking to the future, Buck pledged that professionals from every corner of the healthcare industry will be able to continue to rely on the website and the podcasts to stay at the vanguard of every relevant change that comes along – which, if the last few years are any indication, are sure to be many.

“RACmonitor and Monitor Mondays will continue to be the single most important source of regulatory and audit news and information,” Buck said. “Both entities will continue to focus on the interaction of the federal government with healthcare providers – provider settings in acute care, ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs), and rural health, as well as behavioral health, including the social determinants of health.”

To to listen to Monitor Mondays and register to listen live every monday, visit or search for Monitor Mondays on any of the aforementioned podcast streaming services.

RACmonitor, a division of MedLearn Media, Inc., is an online news and information source produced to help healthcare providers make informed decisions for their organizations on the activities of third-party contract auditors, such as the Recovery Audit Contractors and governmental auditors such as those with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). RACmonitor offerings for subscribers include:

  • Weekly eNewsletters covering hot topics on regulatory compliance
  • A weekly live podcast (Monitor Mondays)
  • Live webcasts featuring nationally recognized thought leaders
  • Special bulletins and news alerts
  • Notifications of upcoming webcasts and special programs
  • Up-to-date resources at RACUniversity

RACmonitor, along with its family of brands, including ICD10monitor and MedLearn Publishing, are trusted sources of news and information provided under their parent company name, MedLearn Media Inc.

MedLearn Media, Inc. provides trusted expertise to the healthcare industry in the areas of coding, compliance, reimbursement, and regulatory changes. It offers a family of leading brands on multimedia publishing platforms, including print and digital books, visual charts, newsletters, webcasts, seminars, on-demand content, and more. MedLearn Media, Inc. continues to build on a nearly 30-year legacy of trust, reliability, and peace of mind, and it remains a company that customers can depend on. The company is based in St. Paul, Minn. More information can be found online at

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