Mediaplanet and CleanWell Team Up to Help Families Live Free, and CleanWell

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The flu virus can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours if they’re not properly disinfected or sanitized, and during flu season, up to 59% of surfaces will be contaminated with the flu virus.

Helping to conclude National Vaccination Week, Mediaplanet today announces the launch of this December’s edition of “Fighting the Flu.” This campaign focuses on different prevention and treatment methods for this season’s flu virus, which is expected to be the worst of the decade.

According to the CDC, millions of people contract the virus every year, with thousands of these cases needing hospitalization. The flu virus can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours if they’re not properly disinfected or sanitized, and during flu season, up to 59% of surfaces will be contaminated with the flu virus. That amounts to 6 out of every 10 things you touch on a daily basis having the potential to transmit the flu to you. Due to these facts, this campaign will educate readers on the significant impact that the flu virus has on the nation and how to best prevent the spread of flu at home, at schools, and in the workplace.

That is one of the missions of CleanWell, a provider of botanical-based household cleaning and personal care products. CleanWell uses Thymol, an EPA-registered and proven plant-based antibacterial ingredient, to avoid the potential health and environmental hazards of chemicals like chlorine bleach and 2-butoxyethanol contained in conventional cleaners.

“Any surface can have germs, from desks, toys, countertops and doorknobs to computers, telephones, light switches, faucet handles and toilet seats. Regularly disinfecting these and other items can mean the difference between getting the flu and staying healthy,” said CleanWell CEO Stew Lawrence. “CleanWell’s botanical disinfectants kill 99.9% of household germs including salmonella, E.coli, norovirus, the Influenza A virus, and other cold and flu viruses on hard nonporous surfaces without the use of harsh chemicals.”

If the flu does fell someone in the house, CleanWell Director of Marketing Ramona Roof also advises being extra-vigilant in disinfecting the surfaces in the sick person’s bedroom and bathroom including sinks, toilet handles and remote controls. “Everything that a flu sufferer touches is a sure breeding ground for germs,” she notes, “so be sure to take special precautions in the areas of the house where they’re recuperating. And, of course, regular and thorough hand washing is the best way to prevent spreading flu germs.”

The print component of “Fighting the Flu” is distributed within today’s edition of USA TODAY in New York, South Florida, Atlanta, Fort Worth/Dallas, Boston, and Los Angeles markets, with a circulation of approximately 200,000 copies and an estimated readership of 600,000. The digital component is distributed nationally, through a vast social media strategy and across a network of top news sites and partner outlets. To explore the digital version of the campaign, visit:

This campaign was made possible with the amazing support of The CDC, Families Fighting Flu, American Hospital Association, American Red Cross,, the National PTA, American Academy of Pediatrics,, Medical News Today, American Pharmacists Association, Dr. Oz, Consumer Healthcare Products Association, and the Commonwealth Care Alliance.

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Kevin Duke

(646) 755-7950

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