Awesome Ways To Get Cheaper Car Insurance Rates

News Image has released a new blog post that presents some smart ways for lower car insurance rates.

Many drivers consider that car insurance is too expensive or they deny their importance. Disregarding a service which can potentially save drivers thousands of dollars is a huge mistake. If price is the problem, check the following tips for lowering the costs.

  • The driver should apply to all discounts for which he/she is eligible. Insurance companies provide a wide range of discounts. It is wise to check the discounts offered by each company before signing a contract. When getting online quotes, the user can easily check for how many discounts he is eligible and how much he will save. The most common discounts include low mileage, safety devices, safe driver, home-ownership and paying in full.
  • Paying in full will save around 10% off the premium’s value. Drivers are asked how often do they want to make payments. Paying for the entire policy in advance will help drivers save a lot of money. The driver can save around 5%-10% just by paying the full value. Some companies are more generous and offer a 15%-20% discount. In this case, the value of the discount will be higher than 1 monthly premium.
  • Set a higher level for deductibles. The policyholder is able to set the deductibles. By selecting a higher deductible level, he agrees to pay more when he files a claim. Deductibles range from $250 up to $1000 or more. In many cases, the recommended value for both comprehensive and collision coverage is $500. When getting online quotes, the client is able to set the deductibles to some predetermined values. After each change, the prices are updated and the user can view how deductibles influence the total cost.
  • Purchase multiple insurance services from the same company. Placing multiple vehicles or multiple belongings can be really beneficial. Besides having access to discounts, the policyholder will have to deal with less paperwork. Multi-insurance discounts vary by provider, with some companies offering as much as 20% discount for combining home and auto insurance. is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

For more information and free quotes, please visit

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