Costs of Care Presents Steven Schroeder Award for Outstanding Healthcare CEO to Mr. John A. DiAngelo at The Leapfrog Group Annual Awards Dinner

Mr. John A. DiAngelo, President and CEO of Inspira Health – winner of this year’s Steven Schroeder Award for Outstanding Healthcare CEO

“We appreciate this recognition of Inspira Health’s overall accomplishments…I share this award with the entire Inspira team, and our many community partners.” – Mr. DiAngelo

The influential Steven Schroeder Award for Outstanding Healthcare CEO was presented once again at The Leapfrog Group’s annual Awards Dinner in Washington, D.C. tonight. This year’s recipient was Mr. John A. DiAngelo, President and CEO of Inspira Health in New Jersey.

The award was created by Costs of Care, a leading non-profit dedicated to curating and disseminating insights from the frontlines of health care to help delivery systems provide better care at lower cost, to recognize a hospital and/or health system CEO who has demonstrated courageous and ethical leadership addressing the twin issues of affordability and quality of health care in their community.

“Patients want to know that health care leaders are doing all we can to ensure that they receive the best health care in a way that is as affordable as possible,” said Chris Moriates, MD, Executive Director of Costs of Care. “Addressing patient affordability will require new solutions and brave leadership.”

Mr. DiAngelo has led the charge in supporting underserved populations through Inspira’s involvement with the Cumberland County Housing First Collaborative (CCHFC). This unique consortium of social service organizations, faith-based institutions and government officials follows the Housing First model to tackle chronic homelessness, with the goal of ending homelessness in the county by 2020. The movement is part of a broader effort to understand and address social determinants of health – poverty, access to nutritious food, violent surroundings, etc. – that play a role in managing and preventing diseases, and affect overall health.

The Outstanding Healthcare CEO award is named in honor of Steven Schroeder, MD, Distinguished Professor of Health and Health Care at the University of California San Francisco and former President and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Dr. Schroeder has spent five decades inspiring and mentoring leaders to forcefully advocate for better quality and more affordable health care, and he has inspired leaders of both Costs of Care and The Leapfrog Group.

Dr. Schroeder said about this year’s winner, “John DiAngelo has shown that health systems can contribute to the health of the community they serve, and can do so in an affordable manner. His work models the values and programs that distinguish excellent medical systems, and he is most worthy of this award.”

“We appreciate this recognition of Inspira Health’s overall accomplishments in the areas of patient safety, clinical quality and reducing health care costs. I share this award with the entire Inspira team, and our many community partners,” said Mr. DiAngelo.

“Great health system leaders know that quality and affordability go hand-in-hand,” said Leah Binder, president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group. “With this award we’re pleased to join with Costs of Care in recognizing a CEO who tackles patient safety, quality, and cost simultaneously, and as a result provides better care to the community.”

About Costs of Care

Costs of Care is a nonprofit organization dedicated to curating and broadly disseminating insights from the front lines of health care to help delivery systems provide better care at lower cost. Since 2009, Costs of Care has collected more than 500 personal accounts from physicians, nurses, and patients all over the United States that illustrate routine and high yield opportunities to improve the value of care delivery through improved decision-making. Costs of Care has created widely adopted and enduring resources to educate medical trainees and clinicians about how to address health care costs and provide high-value care, including the textbook Understanding Value-Based Healthcare, the “COST” framework for designing value improvement projects, multiple workshops, and free, CME-approved video modules. In December 2019, Costs of Care launched the Affordability Moonshot – envisioning a world in which “no one has to choose between their life and their life-savings” – paired with an Affordability Accelerator to support and collaborate on promising ideas to improve patient affordability.

Connect at, be a part of the Moonshot at, and follow on Twitter/Instagram @CostsOfCare.

About The Leapfrog Group

Founded in 2000 by large employers and other purchasers, The Leapfrog Group is a national nonprofit organization driving a movement for giant leaps forward in the quality and safety of American health care. The flagship Leapfrog Hospital Survey collects and transparently reports hospital performance, empowering purchasers to find the highest-value care and giving consumers the lifesaving information they need to make informed decisions. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, Leapfrog’s other main initiative, assigns letter grades to hospitals based on their record of patient safety, helping consumers protect themselves and their families from errors, injuries, accidents, and infections.

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