Scottsdale Institute CNIO and CMIO Summits Explore Care Standardization

Bringing together our member CNIOs and CMIOs released remarkable energy and excitement about harmonizing the CDS-supported care process – a collaboration so vital to standardizing care across the nation.

Chief Nursing Information Officers (CNIOs) and Chief Medical Information Officers (CMIOs) from 26 leading healthcare organizations gathered Sept. 18-20 in Chicago for the Scottsdale Institute 2019 CNIO and CMIO Summits to discuss care standardization, how to reduce the cognitive burden of the EMR, data quality, documentation, managing CDS content and improving clinician satisfaction.

The CNIO and CMIO Summits were hosted by Scottsdale Institute, a not-for-profit membership organization of health systems advanced in IT, and sponsored by Impact Advisors, a healthcare IT consultancy, and LogicStream Health, a leading provider of clinical process improvement and control software. As Scottsdale Institute’s first combined CNIO/CMIO agenda, the Summits placed special emphasis on developing strong partnerships between CNIOs and CMIOs and resulted in a single, combined white paper.

The CNIO/CMIO Summit Report, “Care Standardization: Why and How to Make this Work,” highlights the conversations and lessons learned from the event. A copy of the report is available for download through the Scottsdale Institute, Impact Advisors and LogicStream Health websites.

“Scottsdale Institute’s mission is to convene the right executives to discuss the right issues facing healthcare leaders in today’s fast-paced, tech-enabled world,” says Janet Guptill, Executive Director of the Scottsdale Institute. “Bringing together our member CNIOs and CMIOs released remarkable energy and excitement about harmonizing the CDS-supported care process – a collaboration so vital to standardizing care across the nation.”

“We were excited to be a part of this Summit, as many takeaways and next steps emerged from the discussions and collaboration around the topic of care standardization,” said Angela R. Tiberio, MD, Physician Executive at Impact Advisors. “Attendees agreed that serving as a CMIO or CNIO places them in a unique position to very positively impact some of healthcare’s biggest challenges, including optimizing processes for maximal quality, safety, value and access, as well as provider and patient satisfaction. Attendees identified several key focus areas for the future, including continued venues for CMIO/CNIO collaboration; benchmarking and analytics to demonstrate “success”; addressing clinician/physician burnout; and advancing the overall profession. We look forward to seeing where these conversations lead us over the next year and beyond.”

“The burden of variation in clinical documentation and the lack of standardization is clearly a problem for healthcare providers today,” said Luis Saldaña, MD, CMIO LogicStream Health. “The Summit was a highly productive forum for numerous leading CNIOs and CMIOs to connect and share excellent insights about ways to address this problem in their respective organizations. As a group, we committed to continuing the conversation and advancing our collective efforts to set the standard for driving improvement across all of healthcare.”

About Scottsdale Institute

The Scottsdale Institute (SI) is a not-for-profit membership organization of prominent healthcare systems whose goal is to support our members as they strive to achieve clinical integration and transformation through information technology (IT). SI facilitates knowledge-sharing by providing intimate and informal forums that embrace SI’s “Three Pillars”:

> Collaboration

> Education

> Networking

SI Affinity Groups offer a popular way to focus on a shared issue, topic or collective challenges. They can be title-specific, or a mix of executive titles focused on single issues like Digital and Population Health, Cybersecurity, Clinical Decision Support, Data and Analytics, and others. Affinity Groups convene in a variety of ways, including Dialogues, Summits, Ad Hoc Queries, Site Visits and Roundtables. For more information about Scottsdale Institute, visit

About Impact Advisors

Impact Advisors is a nationally recognized healthcare consulting firm that is solving some of the toughest challenges in the industry by delivering strategic advisory, technology implementation and performance improvement services. Our comprehensive suite of digital health, clinical optimization and revenue cycle services spans the lifecycle of our clients’ needs. Our experienced team has a powerful combination of clinical, revenue, operations, consulting and IT experience. The firm has earned a number of prestigious industry and workplace awards, including Best in KLAS® for 11 consecutive years, Healthcare Informatics HCI 100, Crain’s Chicago Business Fast Fifty, as well as “best place to work” awards from: Modern Healthcare, Consulting Magazine, Becker’s Hospital Review and Achievers. For more information about Impact Advisors, visit

About LogicStream Health

LogicStream Health is trusted by a community of high-performing healthcare providers across the United States. The company’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform stands alone in its ability to help customers gain instant insights to improve vital clinical processes and better control patient care. As a result, customers reduce cost and improve outcomes. Healthcare customers are generating millions of dollars in ROI from the LogicStream Health platform, for example, by reducing high-cost medications; achieving significant reductions in CAUTI; and, reaching nearly 100% compliance with VTE protocols. The LogicStream Health SaaS platform complements modern EHR systems and is designed for rapid implementation and easy adoption by end-user clinicians, informaticists, data analysts, and executive teams striving to better control and manage clinical processes in near-real-time. LogicStream Health, developed by clinicians for clinicians, today is supporting hundreds of hospitals on a scalable and sustainable technology platform to standardize process and deliver highly reliable healthcare. For more information, visit our home page. Our mission is clear – Helping clinicians improve and better control the care they deliver to every patient, every day.

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