Dry Eye, Dry Skin & Health Olympics Education Discussed On Sharon Kleyne Talk Radio

Air Date: 9 December 2019

Guest: Anouche Moshari Roberts, M.D., The Liquid Facelift and Laser Center, Northern Virginia


“We humans,” says Sharon Kleyne, founder and research director of Bio Logic Aqua® Research Water Life Science® in Grants Pass, Oregon and the host of the internationally syndicated radio program, The Sharon Kleyne Hour Water Life Science®/Nature’s Pharma®, The Power of Water® & Your Health sponsored by Nature’s Tears® EyeMist® on VoiceAmerica and produced by Rose Hong, founder and director of Global Dragon TV in Washington, D.C., “have a tendency to take for granted and ignore what is all around us—water. Yet, what is happening to the human body is also happening to the planet earth and the solar system. Have you noticed,” continues Kleyne, “that everything seems out of control? I blame that on the lack of education. So, I decided to start the educational Health Olympics.”

The moment one is born, Kleyne teaches, one begins to evaporate water. “From birth,” Kleyne says, “we should be educating ourselves about our health, about living in rhythm with the planet and the solar system.” Kleyne accuses politicians of not making water a priority, “Dry eye, for example, is vision impairment from birth. The surface of the eye is 99 percent water. It is common sense!” Kleyne insists. “You must drink pure water—one full glass at a time—throughout the day and night. If you don’t drink enough water, dry eye will get worse, and that can lead to additional impairment and potential blindness.” That is why Kleyne invented Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, pure water technology to supplement the always-evaporating tear film. “We need to improve the water education of our children,” Kleyne says.

Anouche Moshari Roberts, trained as an ophthalmologist, born in Iran, raised in Germany and guiding The Liquid Facelift and Laser Center in Northern Virginia, agrees. “Dry eye is common,” Roberts commiserates. “The good news is you can treat it easily; the bad news is that it can cause vision problems.” Roberts shares that dry eye symptoms include a scratchy feeling, like sand in the eye, stinging, redness and blurred vision. “Also,” Roberts reveals, “children are staring too much at screens. This dries out the oil ducts around the tear film. Children need to be taught to remember to blink regularly. They’re also not drinking enough water during the day.”

Roberts’s The Liquid Facelift and Laser Center offers revolutionary non-invasive i-Lipo body contouring laser treatments, as well as treatments with the Icon Laser by Palomar Medical. Yet, Roberts agrees with Kleyne that it all begins with getting a handle on body water evaporation if one hopes to maintain healthy eyes and skin.

Drinking water, supplementing the eyes with Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, educating ourselves from birth about water vapor evaporation and supplemental water technology, and embracing the Health Olympics will finally get dry eye, dry skin and blindness under control,” says Kleyne.

If you would like to listen to the program featuring Anouche Moshari Roberts, M.D. of The Liquid Facelift and Laser Center in Northern Virginia and water evaporation and education Health Olympics researcher Sharon Kleyne during which they discuss dry eye, blindness, body water evaporation, education and the Health Olympics, dry skin, symptoms and causes of dry skin dry eye and relief of dry eye with Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, you may do so by following this link: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/119096/do-you-suffer-from-dry-eye-and-dry-skin

If you wish to see a brief educational film that demonstrates the application of the new Dry Eye Solution® technology Nature’s Tears® EyeMist®, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0gOr8TB45U

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