GNO Snoring and Sinus Offers Compounded Nasal Sprays for Chronic Sinusitis

“By providing this treatment option to select patients with persistent sinus symptoms, we have been able to reduce their need for aggressive oral steroid therapy and also reduce the need for surgery, it’s a win-win for patients.”

GNO Snoring and Sinus, the New Orleans area experts in office based treatments for sleep apnea and sinusitis, has enhanced its medical treatment of Chronic and Recurrent Sinusitis by administering patients compounded steroid/saline nasal irrigations. Traditionally, steroid nasal sprays such as Flonase® and/or Nasonex® have been utilized to treat sinusitis. However, these medications suffer from not being able to penetrate the depths of the paranasal sinus region, limiting their effectiveness. Saline irrigations such as NeilMed® Sinus Rinse or Neti Pot have been far more effective at delivering irrigation to the sinus passageways.

“In our practice, we have always sought a way to topically deliver the anti-inflammatory benefits of steroids to the sinus tissue – in an effort to reduce the symptoms of sinusitis. We have successfully treated thousands of patients with sinus disease, however, some patients will require ongoing medical treatment to prevent their symptoms from recurring,“ said Dr. Akash Anand of GNO Snoring and Sinus. “Traditional steroid sprays do not carry the delivery power of saline irrigations. Therefore, we have combined the anti-inflammatory benefits of steroid therapy along with the effective delivery of saline irrigations. By creating our compounded steroid/saline irrigation mix, patients are now able to effectively cleanse their sinuses and receive topical medical steroid therapy as well. This also allows us to avoid the increased cost of using a compounding pharmacy and therefore keep the cost to patients at a minimum.”

“By providing this treatment option to select patients with persistent sinus symptoms, we have been able to reduce their need for aggressive oral steroid therapy and also reduce the need for surgery, it’s a win-win for patients.”

For more information about GNO Snoring and Sinus, call 504.309.8615 or visit

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