Corvus Insurance Announces Alerts for BlueKeep Cybersecurity Vulnerability

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This alert empowers brokers to deliver significant value to their clients by providing them with immediate and actionable information, helping them to reduce the risk of a potentially devastating cyberattack.

Corvus Insurance, the leading provider of AI-driven commercial insurance, has released an update to its Corvus Scan™ technology that alerts policyholders to a critical security vulnerability known as BlueKeep. With the update, prospective and current Corvus policyholders and their insurance brokers are notified of the vulnerability so that affected organizations can take steps to protect their systems from possible cyberattacks.

The update, released in November, identifies vulnerability CVE-2019-0708 — which goes by the nickname BlueKeep — in any organization’s IT system. BlueKeep is a vulnerability within certain server software that could enable a cybercriminal to launch ransomware, cryptojacking, or other types of attack if it were exploited. The first documented attack activity on BlueKeep was reported in November 2019, increasing the urgency with which organizations should identify and patch the vulnerability.

“Sharing this critical information with policyholders is another example of the power of data-enabled, ‘Smart’ commercial insurance,” says Phil Edmundson, Founder and CEO of Corvus Insurance. “The alerts empower brokers to deliver significant value to their clients by providing them with immediate and actionable information, helping them to reduce the risk of a potentially devastating cyberattack.”

The Corvus Scan gathers data from any organization’s web-facing IT infrastructure. It compares this data to Corvus’s database of cyber events in order to provide a detailed risk profile that informs the underwriting of the company’s insurance products: Smart Cyber Insurance®, Smart Tech E&O™, and Smart Cargo + Cyber™. This underwriting process, automated and powered by machine learning, allows Corvus to offer brokers a shorter Cyber Insurance application. Today’s update ensures the notification of policyholders when BlueKeep is identified by the Corvus Scan.

The Corvus Scan also drives Dynamic Loss Prevention®, a program that delivers actionable IT security recommendations throughout the policy year, enabling commercial insurance brokers and their clients to better predict and mitigate risk.


Corvus Insurance is the leading provider of AI-driven commercial insurance, empowering brokers and policyholders to better predict and prevent complex risks through data-driven tools and Smart Commercial Insurance® policies. With each policy, Corvus supplies its proprietary Dynamic Loss Prevention® reports, which inform policyholders of critical risk areas and provide actionable recommendations. Founded in 2017 by a team of veteran entrepreneurs from the insurance and technology industries, Corvus is backed by Bain Capital Ventures, Hudson Structured Capital Management, and .406 Ventures. The company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and has offices across the U.S.

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