Technology platforms unite to offer a full-stack tech suite for health and fitness innovators

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“We jumped at the opportunity to bring together a collective that, when combined, would allow any company to create a digital product designed to engage and retain their users, whether they’re in the studio or at home.” – asensei CEO Steven Webster

Today asensei,, Mux and WEEL announce the launch of a full suite of technology designed to offer a complete solution for digital fitness experience creators.

As more and more Connected Fitness products hit the market, the opportunity exists for a technology stack upon which companies can differentiate their products and decrease time to market. This partnership was forged to address that gap and combine key technical elements in one holistic package. With a simple plug-and-play solution that includes video streaming, music licensing and streaming, and body sensor technology, any company can harness the competitive edge they need.

The partnership includes:

asensei: asensei offers a Connected Coaching™ platform that understands human movement and movement coaching through patented (app)arel technology, which integrates motion capture and real-time coaching into sport clothing. This allows asensei to provide customers real-time feedback from world-class trainers and athletes on their form and technique as they practice their favorite sports or fitness activities on their preferred equipment. For apparel and equipment brands, Connected Coaching from asensei turns education into engagement, and ensures customers aren’t simply moving, but improving. Music is core the workout experience and is proven to drive improved outcomes for exercisers.’s platform makes it easy for brands to seamlessly harness the power of music to engage and empower their users. The company tackles three major challenges when it comes to integrating popular music in apps, on websites, or in physical spaces: music licensing and curation, white label technology integration, and real-time analytics.

Mux: Mux is an API-first video platform designed to make world-class video streaming and analytics possible for any development team. For a connected fitness product, it’s imperative to deliver a seamless video streaming experience for the viewer at home or on the go. Mux delivers this with its advanced encoding services and ability to distribute video across different bandwidths, form factors, and devices.

Weel:The world’s leader in the research, development and manufacturing of wearable electronics, WEEL’s electronics are core to the asensei Connected Coaching experience. Their tech makes it easy for apparel manufacturers to integrate motion capture sensors into their apparel, compatible with the asensei Kinetic Capture(TM) technology that enables real-time coaching and feedback. By partnering with WEEL, asensei is able to shorten the time to market for existing apparel brands to create smart apparel.

“At asensei, building products on our Connected Coaching platform has given us first-hand experience of all the technical challenges at play when developing a connected fitness experience that is absent the watchful eye of a trainer or coach,“ said asensei CEO, Steven Webster. “We jumped at the opportunity to bring together a collective that, when combined, would allow any company to create a digital product that doesn’t just meet the bar of existing Connected Fitness products, but raises the bar to include real-time coaching of correct form and technique.”

“Music is a key part of any workout – there’s a scientifically proven link between the right music and improved physical performance, but more importantly for health and fitness platforms there’s a direct improvement in retention and frequency of use when workouts have the right soundtrack,” said Lauren Pufpaf, COO of “We couldn’t be more thrilled to be working with this group on combining all of the key elements that can help any health or fitness brand get the right technology and expertise to bring their platform into the homes of users even more quickly.”

“Offering crystal clear video, regardless of the device, brings an experience to life and can help any user feel that they’re right in the classroom with their favorite trainer or instructor, even if it’s the middle of the night,” said Eric Elia, Head of Strategic Accounts at Mux. “We’re passionate about helping platforms of all kinds find their audience through streaming video, and we’re so excited to be working with this group to help bring the visions of so many health and fitness brands to life, no matter where their user lives.”

“One of the challenges for wearable technology is that it requires a multitude of sensors that disappear into familiar and fashionable apparel and to do so at scale. The value-add of WEEL to the partnership is that we can have an apparel partner come to us to enable them to create “smart” apparel at scale that looks and feels like their own brand.” added Michael Corbett, GM of WEEL Technologies. “We are excited to work with this group to deliver an all-in-one tech solution for health and fitness platforms that delivers the best possible experience for their user, every day.”

The companies are available for briefings at the Digital Fitness and Active Brands Summit in Los Angeles, December 4-5 and CES in Las Vegas, January 7-9.

About asensei

Founded in 2014, asensei is democratizing access to world-class sport coaching, by allowing athletes of all abilities to following coaching programs led by world-class athletes and coaches, in the sport of their choosing. Our Kinetic Capture™ technology gives asensei sport-specific understanding of posture and movement by embedding motion capture capability into regular sports apparel. The asensei experience is enabled through (app)arel, compression apparel infused with Kinetic Capture, allowing asensei to guide, monitor and correct your practice with real-time feedback. asensei is changing the way aspiring athletes practice sport and fitness, by letting them progress along their own path as they follow coaching programs from sporting heroes.

For apparel and equipment brands, asensei offers a digital strategy that turns transactions into subscriptions, content marketing into coaching, and makes the equipment purchase the beginning not the end of the consumer journey.

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About is a technology platform that makes it easy for brands to legally and seamlessly harness the power of music to engage and retain their customers.’s team handles the licensing and technical integration of curated music stations to help brands increase key growth and customer retention metrics. Based in San Francisco, was co-founded by Jeff Yasuda (CEO), Lauren Pufpaf (COO) and Eric Lambrecht (CTO), and is backed by investors that include Crunchfund, Core Ventures Group, KEC Ventures, and Fyrfly. For more information, visit

About Mux

Mux is a software company that develops infrastructure and monitoring tools for developers and publishers of online video. Founded in 2015 by experts in online video, including the creators of the biggest open-source video player on the web (Video.js), the largest transcoding service in the cloud (Zencoder), and the premier conference for engineers working with video (Demuxed), Mux empowers publishers of all sizes to provide high-quality online video viewer experiences. Backed by investment from Evolution Media, Accel, and Y Combinator, Mux is headquartered in San Francisco, CA. For more information visit

About WEEL

WEEL Technologies celebrated their 12th Anniversary in January 2020. Since 2008, WEEL has designed and manufactured electronics that have been integrated into shirts, pants, shoes, backpacks, gloves and other apparel items for many of the world’s leading brands. For more information, visit

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