Enquiron® Wins Bronze in Best in 9th Annual Biz Awards

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Engaging employees on what’s important to them along with creating a renewed connection to our organization’s vision have both significantly contributed to making Enquiron a great place to work and our tenure success.

Enquiron’s submission focused mostly on its company culture and focus on work-life balance. Enquiron has extended work from home and in-office hybrid schedules to all its employees, allowing everyone to have true work-life balance that is customized to each employee’s role and what is important to them – both in and outside the office. Enquiron recently added a new collaboration tool allowing team members to share photos of their community service and diversity days, to cheer on their peers by sharing relevant success stories and to promote culture and celebrate wins. Enquiron’s tenure also jumped significantly in 2019, demonstrating just how much employees want to work and grow within Enquiron.

Since the program’s inception in 2011, Best in Biz Awards’ entrants have spanned the spectrum, from the most innovative local companies and start-ups to some of the most recognizable global brands. With more than 700 entries, the 9th annual program attracted a record number of entries from an impressive array of public and private companies of all sizes and spanning all geographic regions and industries in the U.S. and Canada. Best in Biz Awards 2019 honors were conferred in 80 different categories, including Company of the Year, Fastest-Growing Company, Most Innovative Company, Best Place to Work, Customer Service Department, Executive of the Year, Most Innovative Product, Enterprise Product, Best New Service, CSR Program, Event and Blog of the Year.

“It is an honor to be recognized by BestInBiz and to join many other accomplished organizations in 2019,” said Mike Naclerio, President and CEO of Enquiron. “Engaging employees on what’s important to them along with creating a renewed connection to our organization’s vision have both significantly contributed to making Enquiron a great place to work and our tenure success.”

Each year, winners in Best in Biz Awards are determined based on scoring from independent judging panels assembled from some of the most respected newspapers, TV and radio outlets, and business, consumer, technology and trade publications in North America. Combining top editors’ and reporters’ unparalleled expertise and experience with the objectivity inherent in the journalistic ethos and further enhanced by the breadth and variety of outlets represented, Best in Biz Awards judging panels are uniquely able to determine the best of the best from among the hundreds of competitive entries. The 2019 judging panel included, among others, writers from Accounting Today, AdWeek, Associated Press, Barron’s, Consumer Affairs, eWeek, Healthcare Innovation News, Inc., Investment Advisor Magazine, USA Today and Wired.

For a full list of gold, silver and bronze winners in Best in Biz Awards 2019, visit: http://www.bestinbizawards.com/2019-winners.


Enquiron, Enquiron.com, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, provides consultative business solutions to employers in all 50 states, across various industries, sectors and sizes. Since 1996, Enquiron has revolutionized the way that services impacting HR, Employment Law, Health Care, Retirement, Cybersecurity and more are delivered to, and utilized by, employers. Enquiron has locations across the United States and is a trusted partner to organizations who need specific answers to specific questions.


Since 2011, Best in Biz Awards has maintained its premier status as the only independent business awards program judged by a who’s who of prominent reporters and editors from top-tier publications from North America and around the world. Over the years, Best in Biz Awards judges have ranged from Associated Press to the Wall Street Journal and winners have spanned the spectrum, from blue-chip companies that form the bedrock of the world economy to local companies and some of the most innovative start-ups. Each year, Best in Biz Awards honors are conferred in two separate programs: North America and International, and in 80 categories, including company, team, executive, product, and CSR, media, PR and other categories. For more information, visit: http://www.bestinbizawards.com.

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