Ed Rapp and Anju Jain’s new book “The Flywheel of Life and Leadership” is an inspiring compendium on balancing personal and professional goals amidst challenges in life

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Ed Rapp, a former Caterpillar Inc. group president with broad business and global experience, has completed his new book “The Flywheel of Life and Leadership.” It offers a curious and potent directory to navigating the business world. Using the model of a flywheel, Rapp defines his intersectional approach to overcoming challenges and succeeding both personally and professionally.

“Just as a flywheel transfers power from a motor to a machine,” writes author Ed Rapp, “we, as leaders, transfer power to other people through how we live and lead. The inherent principles need to move in sync to do our job as leaders.”

Published by Page Publishing, Rapp’s instructive narrative outlines finding success even in the face of adversity. In 2015, Rapp made the difficult decision to step down from his executive position at Caterpillar Inc. following an ALS diagnosis when he was given 2 to 5 years to live. With his disciplined approach and levering the very model the book espouses, he continues to outlive this challenge.

“The Flywheel of Life and Leadership” also features the insightful perspective of co-author Anju Jain, a business leader and Chief Human Resources Officer at Fermilab. She has extensive experience in leadership and HR and has previously authored two books on leadership and burnout. Together the authors share examples on how the key principles of balance, relationships, a clear operating model and discipline, irrespective of the kind of work you do or the industries you work in, prepare you to live and lead and for the eventual curveballs of life.

Readers who wish to experience this illuminating work can purchase “The Flywheel of Life and Leadership” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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