Handtevy Launches Pediatric Resuscitation Software in Epic’s App Orchard Marketplace

Pediatric Emergency Standards, Inc. is pleased to announce that its award-winning pediatric resuscitation management software, Handtevy Hospital, is now available on Epic’s App Orchard Marketplace. Epic clients can take advantage of Handtevy Hospital, powered by SMART® and FHIR® technologies, to standardize resuscitation care, reduce medication dosing and administration errors, and improve clinician confidence when treating the critically ill or injured child.

“The initial moments of a resuscitation are when errors often occur, placing children at risk for uncoordinated and unsafe care,” said Peter Antevy M.D., CMO of Pediatric Emergency Standards Inc. “Rapid access to precise treatment information and real-time verification of high acuity medications is crucial when seconds matter and lives are at stake.”

The HIPAA compliant software runs natively within the EHR, displaying alongside Epic’s Code Narrator, automatically extracting patient specific data such as age, weight, and allergies. Handtevy delivers precise medication dosing and administration instructions that mirror the hospital’s formulary and standardizes patient care for the healthcare system. Interventions are rapidly recorded in real-time from a workstation computer or a mobile device using the streamlined platform.

Handtevy Hospital promotes patient safety along the continuum of care. It is the first-of-its-kind application to provide a time-stamped, comprehensive treatment summary, accessible in read-only format to all downstream clinical teams while the case is still in progress. This is reflective of the company’s core mission when it was founded a decade ago.

“Pediatric resuscitations are stressful for even the most skilled healthcare providers,” said Allison Antevy, CEO of Pediatric Emergency Standards Inc. “We are excited to support hospital teams by making their extremely difficult job easier and safer during a pediatric resuscitation.”

This partnership is a significant progression for the Handtevy platform as it creates a seamless linkage with one of the largest EHR vendors, used in thousands of hospitals across the country. Handtevy’s Integration with Epic follows the recent announcement of integration with Cerner Millennium®.

About Handtevy – Pediatric Emergency Standards, Inc.

Handtevy is a revolutionary pediatric resuscitation system that provides a customized integrated software solution to healthcare providers who treat acutely ill children or adults. The nationally acclaimed system is used in all 50 states by EMS and hospital systems and allows professionals to quickly and safely treat acutely ill children and adults with ease and confidence. The company’s mission is to advance the quality of emergency medical care for all sick and injured patients by providing customized resuscitation strategies irrespective of treatment location.

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