Author Joseph D. Pianka, MD’s new book “It’s All in Your Head” is an incredible tool for navigating the complex world of health and fitness in the “new normal”

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Joseph D. Pianka, MD, a board-certified practicing gastroenterologist and devoted husband and father, has completed his new book “It’s All in Your Head”: an intuitive and helpful introspective on how one can understand poor health habits and building self-motivation to stick to a fitness and health lifestyle change.

Writes Pianka, “Despite numerous personal limitations and an insanely hectic career, I happen to be a physician with a fascination regarding fitness and nutrition. The combination has provided me with insight allowing me to achieve and maintain not only my own fitness goals, many beyond initial expectation, but also the opportunity and privilege to guide numerous patients in achieving the same. My method revolves around the fundamental concept that before you can optimally build things up, you sometimes need to break them down. This includes potentially negative behaviors acquired early in life we often cling to as adults which create comfort zones but can ultimately hold us back from living the best lives we can. In doing so, we in essence identify the puzzle pieces of our evolving life picture that no longer fit, enabling us to replace them with newly discovered, better fitting ones, and allowing creation of a new image consistent with our own ideals as opposed to those defined by others or formed by previous misconceptions. There is nothing more powerfully motivating than the enlightenment that comes with this type of self-discovery and appreciation. Once achieved, an eternal inspiration flame with an unlimited energy source is ignited allowing fitness dreams to not only become, but remain a reality. Combined with learning the fundamental principles of metabolism, nutrition, and exercise physiology, one is provided the essential tools to not only navigate, but comprehend and personalize any existing diet or fitness program with consistency and efficiency as opposed to ending up on dead end streets and endless merry-go-rounds of failure always searching for the next best thing. It may have taken a pandemic for some of us to realize how fragile and precious our lives actually are, the need to protect our health which is by far our most valuable commodity, and make some important changes to ensure not only a “new” but a “better” normal to come, but now that the worst days are gone, let’s realize we have one life, go boldly forward, and blaze on.

Published by Page Publishing, Joseph D. Pianka, MD’s perceptive writings are aimed at helping readers comprehend why one might have struggled and failed in the past while on a fitness journey, and how those same struggles can be overcome. Specifically, Pianka hopes to provide enlightenment on one of the worst health crisis facing America, namely obesity, which has only become exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic.

Readers who wish to experience this poignant work can purchase “It’s All in Your Head” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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