HomeTown Health Recognizes Key Leaders in Rural Hospitals Throughout Georgia

Clinch Memorial Hospital of Year Banner

Clinch Memorial Hospital, Homerville, GA

“These leaders are just a small view of the amazingly talented, dedicated and passionate people who lead rural hospitals tirelessly across the state.”

HomeTown Health, LLC held its 20th Annual Fall Conference at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia, October 22-25th with over 200 hospital members and business partners in attendance. The Fall Conference includes breakout sessions and presentations from industry experts, established public figures and healthcare leaders on a local and state level. Additionally, it is a time where HomeTown Health recognizes key employees for their success at their facility during the previous year.

Clinch Memorial Hospital in Homerville, Georgia was named the 2019 HomeTown Health Hospital of the Year. Clinch Memorial Hospital was chosen for providing exemplary leadership by adopting “best practices” for rural hospital improvement, and making a commitment to staff education, advocating to state policymakers while emphasizing technological advances and superior patient care.

Crystal Wells, Administrator at Grady General Hospital, was recognized as the recipient of the 2019 Hospital Leader of the Year, recognized for exemplary leadership and dedication to advancement of stability, cooperative approach and dedication to excellence in services at her facility in Cairo, Georgia.

Jan Hamrick, Dodge County Hospital, received the 2019 CFO of the Year award for her commitment to excellence in all things under her sphere of influence at Dodge County.

Shannon Dukes of Warm Springs Medical Center was announced as the 2019 Business Office Manager of the Year, “chosen for outstanding leadership in sharing best practices in the business office and for her commitment to excellence and revenue cycle improvement.”

Bob Kepshire, CNO/Administrator at University Hospital McDuffie, was recognized as the 2019 Nurse Executive of the Year, for providing exceptional leadership by adopting “Best Practices” for rural hospital improvement, for her well-established commitment to staff education and leadership development, and his dedication to superior patient care while emphasizing technological advances at his facility.

Kerry Dunning, of Kerry Dunning LLC, was awarded the 2019 Business Partner of the Year. “This coveted award is presented each year by HomeTown Health to one of 60 Business partners who exhibit extraordinary support and dedication to HomeTown Health hospitals, commitment to excellence, exceptional customer service, and for their tireless efforts in helping rural hospitals survive,” said HomeTown’s CEO Jimmy Lewis.

In addition to the awards presented, HomeTown Health recognized the graduates of its 2019 Leadership Development Program. The HomeTown Health Leadership Development program is designed to better equip the rural hospital industry with leadership to transform into tomorrow’s health care delivery system. Each year, hospitals nominate outstanding leaders from within their organizations for this intensive study and professional development program focused on providing them with skills and information to better serve their hospital in the future.

The 2019 Leadership Graduates who are members of healthcare/hospital teams are:

Tonya Chitwood, Associate CNO/Director of Quality and Compliance, Stephens County Hospital

Randy Crawford, CEO, Appling Hospital

John Graham, CFO, Appling Hospital

Angie King, Senior Director of Medical Outreach Services/Rehab, Stephens County Hospital

Katrina Martin, Business Office Manager, Effingham Health System

Megan Randall, Director of Ancillary Services, Monroe County Hospital

Nancy Seymour, Director, Marketing and Public Relations, Foundation Director, Elbert Memorial Hospital

Lorraine Smith, CEO, Monroe County Hospital

In addition to hospital participants, a limited number of best practice Business Partners are given the opportunity to nominate a member of their team into the Leadership Program. 2019 Graduates who are members of Business Partner teams are:

Connie Alexander, Controller/Financial Analyst, HealtHIE GA

Christopher Jones, Consulting Team Leader, Secure Records Solutions

Thomas Stair, Wellcare

Likewise, Terry Edwards, Learning & Development Specialist, HomeTown Health, also completed the 2019 Leadership Program this year.

About HomeTown Health:

HomeTown Health, LLC, celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year, serves more than 70 hospitals throughout the Southeastern United States. HomeTown Health, LLC offers advocacy, education, business partner service indexing, industry conferences, and strategic support to its member hospitals as well as expansive grant-based resources through key partnerships with the Department of Public Health and Department of Community Health in many states. HomeTown Health’s mission is to do everything legally, morally and ethically possible to promote, sustain and maintain rural healthcare in the communities which its member facilities serve. Learn more at http://www.hometownhealthonline.com and more about its online education at http://www.hthu.net. Additional photos of awards winners are available on the HomeTown Health Facebook page.

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