Zane Baker Launches Redesigned Website of His Transformational Coaching Program

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There’s an adage that says, “first impressions make lasting impressions,” and thanks to the redesign of, those who visit the site will not only have a lasting impression but an unforgettable one.

“We’ve implemented today’s latest technology to empower site visitors with the most user-friendly experience possible,” said Zane Baker, owner of the website.

Baker, who was born and raised in Baghdad, Iraq, and survived three wars before the age of 18, revealed that the newly redesigned website features a responsive design.

Responsive website design is an approach to web page creation that makes use of flexible layouts, flexible images, and cascading style sheets. The goal of responsive design is to automatically detect the website visitor’s screen size and adapt to what the user, whether the user is on a desktop, iPhone, Android phone, tablet, or watch, the user experience is the same.

The newly redesigned website also features information tabs, such as a blog, which addresses meditation, personal development, relationships, wellness, and crystals; Learn N’ Grow; About; and how to Join The Unstoppable Tribe.

Baker explained that his website’s mission is to transform 1 million lives by applying meditation, energy, and success practices into their everyday living and creating an inside job transformation.

“We mix inspiration and motivation with step-by-step methods to help unleash the power for you to lead the best life that you can ever imagine,” Baker said, before adding, “I was born a free spirit, but that’s not even considered an option when your country is being ruled with an iron fist.

So, I lived in the shadows for 20 plus years as Iraq was run by a dictator and being all awakened and open to possibilities was not looked at very favorably. I invite anyone who wants to transform their life to visit my newly redesigned website. I am 100 percent certain that you will love what you see.”

For more information, please visit: and

About Zane Baker

My mission in life is to end human suffering. I vow to help my brothers and sisters in humanity to tap into their inner wisdom and truth using meditation, crystals, energy work, and success skills and practices that are KEY to personal transformation.

Contact Details:

Zane Baker,

P.O. Box # 10524,

Glendale AZ 85318

Phone: 513-401-5612

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