Military Wide “Solvent” Use May Be A Primary Cause of Thousands of Leukemia Diagnoses, Deaths of U.S. Veterans

Veterans deserve to know all of the facts, receive proper care, and be fairly compensated, says Trauco. Solvent in its varying recipes contains a deadly, cancer-causing chemical ethyl benzene.

During the past decade, one of America’s top medical advocates has witnessed a connection and pattern of the military’s use of “Solvent” (a chemical, cleaning agent) with blood diseases leading to Leukemia in a growing number of U.S. service men and women.

In response to this generational health crisis, long time Patient Advocate and 40 plus year career Oncology Nurse, Gail Trauco, R.N., BSN-OCN is leading a team of medical and legal experts to help U.S. veterans and their families. Solvent’s ties to Leukemia represents a shocking trend and dirty little secret that has quietly devastated American families. Trauco and her team of committed professionals are out to advocate for veterans and families of decedents restitution nationwide.

“Beginning about seven years ago, it was noted during my travels to key hospitals across the country that there were a number of veterans every month being diagnosed as new cases of leukemia,” says Trauco who has helped more than 5,000 families through critical health events and medical billing nightmares. “Some of the veterans originally had polycythemia vera (PCV) or myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) which progressed to leukemia. A physician at the VA in Shreveport, Louisiana told one family that I spoke with that he believed “Solvent” was the cause of her husband’s Leukemia.”

According to Trauco, Solvent has differing “recipes” for its mixture dependent upon intent for use and branch of the military. For example, Air Force mechanics used Solvent known as P-D-680, Type II. It was considered a rather mundane product sold in hardware stores as mineral spirits and is even currently available for purchase on Amazon. The Air Force have long required that military jet engine bearings and other parts be degreased and cleaned with this clear, aromatic liquid. It has also been used as a general all-purpose cleaner and Solvent exposure by service men and women has been both transdermal and by inhalation.

Retired Lieutenant General Russell Honore, who served as the 33rd commanding general of the U.S. First Army at Fort Gillem, Georgia and is best known for serving as commander of Joint Task Force Katrina responsible for coordinating military relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina, is a supporter of Trauco and her team helping U.S. Veterans. General Honore recalls Solvent was used to clean, pistols, rifles, machine guns, mortars, and used routinely in the Army and Marine Corps.

“Excessive exposure to benzene has been known for more than a century to damage the bone marrow resulting in decreases in the numbers of circulating blood cells, and ultimately, aplastic anemia,” writes Robert Snyder in the August 2012 edition of The International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health. “Of more recent vintage has been the appreciation that an alternative outcome of benzene exposure has been the development of one or more types of leukemia.”

The Environmental Protection Agency defines exposure as: You can be exposed to a substance only when you are in contact with it. You may be exposed by breathing, eating, or drinking the substance, or by skin contact. Various factors include the dose (how much), the duration (how long), and how you are in contact with it. You must also consider any other chemicals you are exposed to and your age, sex, diet, family traits, lifestyle, and state of health.

According to the Public Health Service Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in an August 2007 report titled “Traditional Epidemiological Studies of the Carcinogenic Effects of Benzene Exposure” concurs on the connection between benzene and leukemia. ”Long-term exposure to benzene can cause cancer of the blood-forming organs. This condition is called leukemia. Exposure to benzene has been associated with development of a particular type of leukemia called acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The Department of Health and Human Services has determined that benzene is a known carcinogen (can cause cancer). Both the International Agency for Cancer Research and the EPA have determined that benzene is carcinogenic to humans.”

For more information about Solvent related, life threatening health concerns, medical advocacy for affected U.S. Veterans, and financial relief for service men and women and their families contact Gail Trauco, R.N., BSN-OCN by phone 770-329-3340 or email


About Gail Trauco, R.N., BSN-OCN

Based just outside Atlanta, Trauco frequently travels around the United States to help patients, medical practitioners, and pharmaceutical companies align on best case solutions. She has gained a reputation as a fierce advocate for patient’s rights and for resolving some of the most difficult medical cases in the currently crippled American healthcare system. As a lifelong medical industry professional and frequent on camera expert, she is equal parts Gloria Allred, Erin Brokovich, and Nancy Grace…with a pinch of Dog the Bounty Hunter.

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