Potential Link Between Heart Disease and Tooth Loss Highlights Need for Good Oral Healthcare, says Beverly Hills Periodontics and Dental Implant Center


The health of the teeth and gums may be more closely linked with heart health than previously thought.

This growing evidence adds real urgency to the importance of treating periodontal problems and preventing tooth loss, as well as replacing any missing teeth with dental implants whenever possible.

An October 4 article on US News reports on preliminary findings that add to the mounting evidence suggesting a correlation between tooth loss and heart disease. The researchers found that individuals between 40 and 79 who had lost all of their teeth had a 28 percent chance of also having heart-related problems, compared to just seven percent for those who never lost any of their teeth. While the study has yet to be peer-reviewed and published, the initial findings are backed by an ongoing flow of evidence from other studies suggesting that poor gum health and missing teeth are strongly associated with heart problems and other serious overall health issues. Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center says that this growing evidence adds real urgency to the importance of treating periodontal problems and preventing tooth loss, as well as replacing any missing teeth with dental implants whenever possible.

The oral care center says that both moderate and severe cases of gum diseases often cause severe inflammation, halitosis (bad breath), receding gums, and bone loss. Oftentimes, teeth also begin to shift and become malaligned. That is just the beginning, says the clinic, because untreated periodontal disease makes losing teeth likely. Missing teeth, in addition to other issues discussed above, invariably encourage bone loss which can lead to the loss of more teeth that can lead to a rapid downward spiral. Patients experiencing gum disease symptoms should most certainly visit their dentist sooner rather than later, the center continues, as periodontal disease almost never gets better on its own.

Beverly Hills Periodontics & Dental Implant Center notes that many patients tend to put off oral healthcare, which can only make matters more dangerous and painful. Reluctant patients should be aware that today’s treatments have evolved to better minimize discomfort and childhood memories may tend to exaggerate the stress associated with oral health work. Patients should keep in mind that, the longer they wait, the more involved the work is likely to be, adds the oral healthcare office. On the other hand, it is never too late to address issues. Even when one or more teeth cannot be saved and need to be extracted, dental implants not only replace missing teeth, unlike dentures they can actually prevent bone loss and other issues, says the center.

Interested readers can find out more about Beverly Hills Periodontics and Dental Implant Center by visiting the clinic’s website at https://www.bhperiodontist.com/ or by calling (310) 275-4606.

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