Insurance Experts Explain How To Avoid Buying A Damaged Vehicle

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“Buying a damaged car is truly problematic for any driver. There are ways to prevent that. Check our guide,” said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. has released a new blog post that explains to its clients how to avoid purchasing damaged vehicles. For more info about cars and car insurance, visit the website.

Hurricanes and other extreme phenomena can cause significant damage to a car. Unfortunately, there are many persons selling flooded cars without warning the buyers about it. Of course, after discovering that the car was damaged in the past, other problems will occur. Including for car insurance. Premiums will skyrocket. To get price estimates for auto insurance, visit

  • When buying a car, the first thing to do is to check what’s under the hood. Ask the car dealer or owner to open the doors, hood and trunk. Check for signs of corrosion, damage, leakage.
  • Make sure that all electrical components and systems are working properly. Water damages everything electrical. Ask for the car to be started and see if all dashboard indicators are running properly. Also check the ACU, mp3 player, safety warnings and so on.
  • Carefully analyze the chassis. Look for all sorts of stains, especially mud stains. Also pay attention to musty odors.
  • Verify all liquids. If they appear milky or there are beads of water in them. This is a clear sign of water damage. Discolored seats, seat belts or doors also indicate water damage. is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

For more information, please visit

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