Marketing Firm Revives the Art of Direct Mailers While Conquering the Digital World

“By the time that sales call is made, it’s more likely the executive will recognize your name and take that call thanks to the targeted traditional and digital channels of communications.”

We might be living in a digital world, but there is still a place for those glossy, eye-catching direct mailers. Traditional marketing tools can serve as a stepping-stone in helping companies gain name recognition when coupled with social media tactics.

Nationally recognized by both Facebook and LinkedIn as social media experts, Strategic & Creative Marketing Inc., a full-service marketing firm in Aurora, Illinois, serves on national advisory panels, testing services for both platforms. Even though the firm is recognized as a leader in paid social media advertising, Strategic & Creative Marketing Inc. still believes in the power of utilizing both digital and traditional marketing tactics to reach both B2B and B2C customers, explains Susan MacNicol, founder and president of Strategic & Creative Marketing Inc.

“Direct mail is gaining a second wind,” says MacNicol. “There is a good chance you’ll grab B2B marketing executives’ attention because they are not getting many print pieces in the mail like they used to receive as more companies reach out solely through email and social media messaging.”

Even if executives do not read the entire piece, the direct mailer serves as a good foot in the door by grabbing their attention and introducing them to a company, she adds.

Timing is key when integrating a multi-tactic campaign. MacNicol stresses the importance of using a variety of tactics to get impressions and ultimately the sale.

For example, before a trade show, a company can send an email to attendees about its services or post a paid ad on social media. On the flight over, executives might open a trade magazine to find an ad for the company. During the trade show, attendees will see signage for the company in the conference hall. Companies even can target attendees before they step foot in the convention hall through unique promotional pieces, such as hanging “do not disturb” style signs on the hotel room doors with the company name and brief information. Back at the office, there is a direct mail piece waiting on their desk from the company.

“By the time that sales call is made, it’s more likely the executive will recognize your name and take that call thanks to the targeted traditional and digital channels of communications,” MacNicol says.

Strategic & Creative Marketing Inc. applies that same strategic mindset when developing digital campaign tools. When creating content for social media campaigns, MacNicol has noticed video ads tend to generate hundreds of clicks per week to a client’s website and generate eight times more clicks than an ad without video.

“Whether it’s a traditional or digital piece, you need to deliver compelling content that your audience will find useful as an executive, such as business trends in their industry. Then you need to ensure people will see your content. That’s why targeted paid social media ad campaigns are essential,” MacNicol says.

Knowing that paid social media ad campaigns are the future of digital marketing, MacNicol’s company is a leading expert in using artificial intelligence (AI) software. Unlike A/B testing—a tedious process to see how well messages resonated with audiences on various social media platforms—AI instantly recognizes what messages work best with specific audiences and automatically redirects the ad to have the greatest impact. The AI software can enable their firm to create custom and lookalike audiences to reach specific individuals with similar characteristics.

“AI software tells us who wants to see the ad and what type of audience is interested in a product to develop a new list of clients to target,” MacNicol explains.

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About Strategic & Creative Marketing Inc.:

Aurora, Illinois-based Strategic & Creative Marketing Inc., is a full-service marketing firm established in 2001, and experienced at working with small, medium and Fortune 500 companies. The firm holds a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification and a Women Owned Small Business Certification (WOSB) issued by Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). The firm’s team has created and implemented national, regional and local marketing and recruitment marketing campaigns. Creative tactics are based on carefully-crafted marketing plans and strategies first, and include print and on-air ads, social media paid ads and organic campaigns, trade shows, emails, video, public relations and promotions. Owner and President Susan MacNicol leverages 25 years of corporate marketing experience in the U.S. and globally to ensure that campaigns are integrated, backed by data and have the most compelling message reaching the right target market through the most effective tactics. MacNicol and Director of Social and Digital Marketing Tami Wloch speak and train locally and globally on all aspects of Marketing, including Social Media, Employment Branding and more. For more information, visit

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