Insurance Businesses Welcome New Movers to Their Local Community with Welcome Wagon’s New Mover Marketing Programs

Welcome Wagon’s New Mover Marketing Programs for Insurance Businesses

Welcome Wagon’s New Mover Marketing Programs for Insurance Businesses

“New homeowners establish more business relationships in the first year of their move than at any other time, which provides a great opportunity for insurance agents and agencies to reach out and introduce themselves,” said Steve Goodman, CEO and President of Welcome Wagon.

National marketing company, Welcome Wagon, offers innovative solutions for local insurance businesses to increase their customer base and improve ROI by targeting new homeowners and movers via direct mail and digital marketing services.

With over 50% of new homeowners switching their insurance within their first year of moving, new movers will be in search of a trustworthy insurance company that can provide them with the right coverage for their families and needs. When moving to a new location, studies show that 72% of new movers will need to purchase insurance for a variety of products they didn’t need before.

Welcome Wagon’s new mover marketing strategy aims to build a mutually beneficial relationship between local insurance businesses and new movers. When a homeowner moves into their new neighborhood, Welcome Wagon delivers to their mailbox a high-quality Gift Book which includes a full page ad, listing their contact information as well as details about the services they provide. What further sets Welcome Wagon’s New Mover Marketing Program apart is the added benefit of category exclusivity, giving insurance businesses a substantial advantage over their competitors.

For insurance businesses that also want to greet new movers through the digital route, Welcome Wagon’s New Mover Email showcases an insurance business’s information along with a compelling invitation for the residents to contact them. By clicking on the insurance business’s listing, new movers are automatically directed to a landing page created just for their business, featuring their contact information as well as options to link directly to the business’s website and directions on how to get to their office.

“New homeowners establish more business relationships in the first year of their move than at any other time, which provides a great opportunity for insurance agents and agencies to reach out and introduce themselves,” said Steve Goodman, CEO and President of Welcome Wagon. “By reaching out to new homeowners upon move-in, local insurance businesses have the ability to grow their client base with residents who are in need of their expertise and services.”

Welcome Wagon’s direct mail and digital marketing services allows insurance companies to reach prospective customers before their competition does, which in the long run helps build strong relationships and a great sense of community.

More about Welcome Wagon

Welcome Wagon was created in 1928 to embody the spirit of warm hospitality and welcome. Now in their 91st year, Welcome Wagon continues this mission, helping to create lasting relationships between new movers and local businesses. Their goal is to assist people in saving money, growing their business, and helping the local economy prosper. For more information on Welcome Wagon, visit

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