Top Ten Ways To Save Valuable Money On Auto Insurance Rates

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“Check our website for more info and tips on saving car insurance money”, said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. has released a new blog post presents 10 efficient ways to get lower car insurance prices.

For more info and free car insurance quotes online, visit

Insurance expenses can rise to several thousands of dollars per year. It all depends on several factors, including the model of the vehicle, driving experience and history, coverage limits, annual mileage and so on. Drivers can get better rates if they:

  • Combine insurance services. A person can easily bundle car insurance with homeowners/renters/condo insurance and earn a valuable discount. When completing online questionnaires, the user is asked if he owns the home/apartment where he/she lives. If the user owns it, he will be provided with a bundle option. In some cases, a person can save as much as 20% simply by bundling coverage.
  • Combine multiple vehicles under the same contract. Covering multiple vehicles under the same insurer will also be financially rewarding. Multi-vehicle plans also provide a discount. The value of the discount is directly proportional with the number of insured vehicles.
  • Adjust the value of deductibles. It is up to the policyholder to set deductibles. The usually recommended value is $500, for both comprehensive and collision coverage. However, the policyholder can choose higher values and lower the overall premiums.
  • Drop full-coverage on older cars. If the car is older than 10 years, keeping full coverage is likely to make the owner overpay. Since a car’s value diminishes over time, keeping full coverage for cars older than 5-6 years can lead to unnecessary costs.
  • Avoid committing traffic violations. Whenever a person tries to obtain online quotes, he will be asked for claims and traffic violations in the recent 3-5 years. Traffic violations and accidents will not only increase premiums, but can also determine a carrier to consider a client “high-risk” driver and eventually, drop him.

  • Buy a safe-to-drive car. Consider a car’s safety rating before buying it. Look for annual crash-test ratings and NHTSA safety rankings. A safe car is cheaper and easier to insure.

-Install extra safety and anti-theft devices. Investing in car’s safety will be greatly appreciated by insurance companies. Drivers can qualify for several discounts. Furthermore, installing car recovery systems will lower the comprehensive component of the premium.

  • Graduate a defensive driving course. The client will improve his driving skills and will get a discount. Many online questionnaires ask drivers (especially the young ones) if they have participated in courses provided by the local DMV or they are willing to participate in defensive driving classes.

Get only quotes every six months. It is recommended to get car insurance quotes at least once every 6 months and check the average premiums costs. Being permanently aware of the average costs will help drivers decide if they stay with the same carrier upon renewal or not.

  • Pay-in-full. Paying for the whole coverage period will help drivers save around 10% on their insurance. Use online quotes and see how much it can be saved by paying for everything in advance. is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

For more information and money-saving tips, please visit

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