The Main Reasons Why Senior Drivers Are More Expensive To Insure

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“Elder drivers are considered high-risk due to their age-related health problems. Driving less, graduating defensive driving courses and getting online quotes will help seniors keep insurance prices under control”, said Russell Rabichev, Marketing Director of Internet Marketing Company. has released a new blog post that explains why the elderly pay more on car insurance.

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Seniors represent a more accident-prone group, due to age-related dysfunctionalities and diseases. It is important to remember that not all seniors represent the same risks and each company will treat a senior client differently. Find out more and get free car insurance quotes from

Age affects the probability of being killed during an accident. As people get older, their bodies become frailer. An injury or bone damage that may have not caused much damage to a vigorous, mature body, may now cause serious complications which can lead to death. Insurance companies are aware of that. This is the top reason for considering seniors high-risk.

After the age of 65, insurance companies increase the rates. This is strictly correlated to all official data released by CDC. The Center For Disease Control and Prevention states that the following factors will negatively impact a senior’s driving performance:

  • Reduced vision. This is one of the most common problems for elder drivers.
  • Poorer cognitive functioning. Seniors are less likely to analyze a sudden hazardous situation really fast.
  • Changes in physical functioning, such as arthritis or a weaker bladder.
  • Use of prescription medications. Some drugs will induce somnolence, dizziness and other narcotic effects.

Hearing and sight gradually deteriorate with age. Seniors begin not to hear high pitched tones, like the ones produced by police cars, firefighter cars or railroad warnings. Visual acuity also decreases over time. Elder drivers are recommended to periodically take medical exams and check if they are still capable of driving.

Involvement in fatal crashes is higher among drivers ages 70‒74 and are highest among drivers ages 85 and older. This trend is more likely caused by the increased susceptibility to injury and medical complications among older drivers rather than an increased risk of causing a crash. is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc.

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