Mr. Mike’s newly released “Do You Know Love?” is a profound manuscript that dives deep into love and all its forms

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“Do You Know Love?”: a powerful read that holds relevant thoughts meant to share the true meaning of love and the love that God possess for all of His children. “Do You Know Love?” is the creation of published author Mr. Mike, a writer who has come to know Jesus since New Year’s Eve 1980. He has worked mainly in the children’s church and kids’ classes for almost forty years.

Mr. Mike shares, “Have you ever loved someone? Have you ever loved something? Is there a difference in loving one and loving the other? Can love be many things? Can love really only be about one thing? Is love a feeling you have toward someone or something? Can you love and never feel anything? Would that be real love? Have you ever changed how or what you’ve thought about love? Have you ever thought there is no one that could ever love you? Have you ever decided to stop looking for love because you’ll never find anyone who really loves you unconditionally without changing and without even a hint of anything but love? You are about to find out what love isn’t and what love is and to know there is someone who loves you unconditionally forever.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Mr. Mike’s new book is a brilliant and mind-clearing inspiration that will open the minds of readers further into what needs to be heard about love. Love is more than the surface we know of; love goes deeper than that. And here, everyone will find more about love in all its faces.

View a synopsis of “Do You Know Love?” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Do You Know Love?” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or

Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Do You Know Love?,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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