Heart Monitoring Technology For High Risk Individuals Examined On “In Depth” With Laurence Fishburne

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Someone in the U.S. experiences a heart attack approximately every 40 seconds.

Actor, producer, and director Laurence Fishburne is well known for his gripping performances throughout the years. The “Boyz N The Hood” star is now putting his talents to use as the host of “In Depth” with Laurence Fishburne. The educational television show highlights a myriad of topics that affect people of all demographics living from coast to coast. Coming to the program is an episode featuring heart monitoring technology. Industry professionals will discuss the tech behind monitoring the hearts of those who are most at risk.

About 647,000 people die every year in the United States from heart disease, making it the leading cause of death. Someone in the U.S. experiences a heart attack approximately every 40 seconds. Those with diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and those who smoke are at a greater risk for developing heart issues.

Tech companies are taking notice of the uprising of heart-related illnesses occurring in the modern world. Part of preventing heart disease requires regular heart monitoring, especially for those who are at a higher risk. Devices like smartwatches, cardiac monitors, and event recorders are helping to monitor regular and irregular heart rhythms remotely.

Detecting irregularities early can help treat heart issues before they worsen and cause eventual passing. The program will feature more details about the technology behind heart monitoring on the upcoming episode.

“In Depth” with Laurence Fishburne is cautiously inspected before revealed to a broader viewing audience. The educational show has accepted numerous accolades for its endeavors in television.

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