Wambi’s Carepostcard Relaunches to Centralize Gratitude Sharing with Healthcare Workers Nationwide

Carepostcard relaunches amidst COVID-19 pandemic

Carepostcard provides a way for us to mobilize and meaningfully contribute in a safe and powerful way.

In celebration of this year’s National Nurses Week, Wambi announces the relaunch of Carepostcard, creating a centralized gratitude platform where the public can honor those on the frontlines battling COVID-19. Although people in healthcare have always been a pillar of society, the pandemic has brought to the forefront the heroic efforts of healthcare workers and has triggered a wave in sharing appreciation for them.

Tracey Moorhead, CEO and President of The American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN), remarks, “Long-Term and Post-Acute Care nurses are healthcare heroes for our nation’s most vulnerable populations. Now more than ever, long-term care nurses should know that their commitment and sacrifice is valued and appreciated by residents and families. AAPACN supports these nurse heroes. We are honored to partner with Carepostcard to ensure our members can receive and share recognition and gratitude for the critical roles they play in providing high quality healthcare.”

Each day, healthcare workers risk their own health and safety by caring for others. Caring for the sick has always been a challenge, but without the requisite PPE and ventilators, the challenge has increased 10-fold. Before COVID-19, burnout was already a major issue for nurses and physicians with over 53% experiencing substantial burnout symptoms.

In these unprecedented times, American citizens are following state and federal guidelines to stay home in order to slow the spread of the novel Coronavirus. Wambi CEO and Co-founder Rebecca Metter reveals, “As we stay home, feeling powerless as we virtually watch what’s unfolding, we can’t help but feel immense gratitude for those on the frontlines. Carepostcard provides a way for us to mobilize and meaningfully contribute in a safe and powerful way.”

Health IT company Wambi launched Carepostcard in July of 2017 to gather messages of gratitude from patients to those who cared for them while they were still in the care setting. That recognition could then be shared with the public to promote compassion and improved human experience in healthcare. Carepostcard is integrated with the Wambi platform in healthcare organizations nationwide, which delivers a real-time recognition and engagement platform for healthcare workers that is fueled by the voices of patients and families. Through sharing and receiving appreciation, Wambi fosters a culture of gratitude and improved staff engagement and patient experiences in healthcare settings.

“In these difficult times, it’s all the more important for healthcare workers to feel kindness, gratitude, and support,” says Wambi Co-founder Alex Coren. “By opening Carepostcard up to the public, we’ve evolved Carepostcard into something much bigger, showcasing and celebrating the stories, moments, and gratitude for those healthcare workers who have impacted our community at large.”

As people create Carepostcards, they can include personal stories of their own experience with healthcare workers, messages of gratitude to family members or friends on the frontlines, or a simple general thank you to the healthcare community. The Carepostcard rebrand and functionality updates also allow for authors to multiply the gratitude by sharing others’ posts to their social networks, all while maintaining the option to remain anonymous. Metter comments, “This will allow the healthcare community to see first-hand the outpouring of appreciation and love that our nation is feeling right now. Our goal is to uplift and inspire those on the frontlines as well as our communities.” Dr. David Shulkin, physician and former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, adds, “With the heroic acts by healthcare workers on display every day, there is no better time to let them know how much we admire and appreciate their dedication, skill, and caring. Send a Carepostcard today. It’s easy and powerful and needed now more than ever before.”

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About Carepostcard

Wambi launched its affiliate organization, Carepostcard and the Compassionate Care Movement™ in July 2017 as a public way to promote compassion in healthcare. Through creating a positive giving circle where patients, families, and providers can share and receive gratitude, we fostered a more grateful community and better patient experiences for all.

Now, Carepostcard has evolved into something much bigger. Because everyone needs to feel kindness, gratitude, and support in difficult times. Because moments move us, we encourage everyone to share a story, a moment, or a simple declaration of gratitude for those who have impacted them in ways big and small.

“Small acts of kindness, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

About Wambi

Wambi delivers an employee engagement and recognition platform informed by real-time patient and family feedback. Through its gamified digital platform, Wambi creates a real-time feedback loop between patients and healthcare workers. This arms individual employees with their own performance data, fueling meaningful recognition while promoting autonomy and inspiring behavioral change. With Wambi, hospitals and health systems have demonstrated improved employee engagement, decreased turnover and burnout, and elevated patient experience. Watch Wambi’s Story told by Inventor, Alex Coren here, and view our video of a day in the life of a nurse using Wambi here.

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