New Best selling book The Law of Creation is Opening Hearts & Minds, Showing the Way to Real Joy & Success

This is the first time that the 18 Universal laws behind The Law of Creation have been defined in practical terms, and not just theory

Every person has the innate ability to create their lives and feel joy and yet most are generally ‘cut off’ or disconnected from their personal power. One new book details the Science behind how people everywhere can reconnect to their creative powers.

The Law of Creation is a unique, comprehensive book that demonstrates the Physics and Science behind the power of Manifestation. Based on 18 Universal Laws, The Law of Creation clearly and methodically explains how moving from negative thoughts to affirmative living, removes any limits and ‘reboots the mind’ for greater success, joy and happiness.

“The good news, or for some people the bad news, is that you have created and are responsible for the life you are currently living,” says Steve Webster, co-author, husband, father and a successful, life-long entrepreneur. “The fact is you might not be happy with your life and you may wish for things to be different. The key to fixing this is firstly understanding how you created what you have (so far), and secondly understanding why you are unable to manifest what you consciously desire.”

According to Steve, some of his explanations involve physics and scientific principles such as quantum theory and wave function. He believes this is the first time that the 18 laws behind The Law of Creation have been defined in practical terms, and not just theory. He understands that some people do not need to know how it works; they just need to know that it does. However, the book thoughtfully explains the scientific process for analytical readers who may be skeptical about the creative process.

Throughout The Law of Creation there is a recurring theme of “what you think is what you become.” An optimist will look on the bright side of a bad event, will have expectations of happiness and good fortune and will generally exude hope. Optimism is more than just believing in a positive outcome. It encompasses stopping criticizing self and others, stopping judgment of self and others, and acceptance and forgiveness. Bad things will periodically happen to you—they are there for a reason. The reason is for you to learn a lesson, to improve your consciousness level. You might not be able to control events in your life, but you can control your responses to the events.

The Law of Creation co-authors Steve and Tracy Webster were childhood sweethearts whom have been married since 1993. Both experienced financial lack growing up, which led them to seek Spiritual and Scientific knowledge. Tracy studied Naturopathic Medicine and became a Bioenergetic Therapist. Steve focused on business, starting up three successful companies, which collectively earned over $100 million per year and employed 250 people. He then immersed himself in higher consciousness, metaphysics, and Science with an emphasis on the subconscious mind as a Licensed Hypnotherapist.

The Websters hard work paid off by 2006, when they were living in a beautiful 18,500 square foot home in an upmarket suburb, with several luxury cars, three holiday homes, and a 3000-acre game farm (safari). Then in January 2020, after four years filled with family deaths, business challenges, and major health & relationship issues, they called an emergency family meeting. It was here that Steve shared life-changing notes from his 2017 unpublished manuscript The Law of Creation with Tracy and their two adult daughters. After reading the entire book, Tracy felt immediately relieved of months of depression and was inspired to help Steve prepare the book for publication by late April 2020.

“Within two days, I was vibrating so much higher than I had been and felt joy again. I wanted to share The Law of Creation with everyone,” adds Tracy, a life-long seeker of wisdom, world traveler, and fellow Harley Davidson rider with husband Steve. “Everything in the book rang true to me, and while it was interesting and profound, I felt as if I already knew it. I think because it (this creative energy) is inherent in all of us. And when you are vibrating with love and gratitude, it is impossible to feel anything other than good.”

The Law of Creation also explains why concepts in books like The Secret work, and more importantly why they do not work. In essence, there are 18 Universal Laws yet The Secret and many other Law of Attraction programs only cover one or two of them. It is not vital that people know how each and every one of these 18 Laws works; but it helps their Creation ability to understand how the Laws affect their life, and the outcome of what they have Created.

Readers everywhere can now discover the trusted science and simple formula to manifest everything they want into their lives! Steve and Tracy share these principles of The Law of Creation with the world in their new bestselling book now available for sale in select bookstores and via Amazon. For more information about Steve and Tracy Webster and The Law of Creation visit:

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The Law of Creation is 126 pages in paperback, 147 pages in Kindle version            

ISBN: 978-0-578-66101-8     Retail price: $9.99 paperback, $ 7.99 Kindle version.

Publisher: Expert Insights Publishing

About Steve & Tracy Webster

The Law of Creation co-authors Steve and Tracy Webster both came from humble beginnings. While at University, Steve had no money so he left his studies to get an entry level computer job. Fast forward twenty years, he earned his MBA, was Founder and CEO of three massively successful companies, and is a multiple #1 International Best-Selling Author. Steve also fully immersed himself in higher consciousness, metaphysics, and science with a focus on the subconscious mind as a licensed Hypnotherapist which led to the discovery that the principles he used to create his success are the same 18 Universal laws now discussed in The Law of Creation.

When Tracy was nine years old, her family was evicted from their home which culminated in her family moving homes like “gypsies”. This resulted in her attending eight different schools before the age of 12. Later in life, Tracy studied Quantum Bioenergetic Therapy where she discovered and used the powerful techniques you can now find in The Law of Creation to attract her amazing husband, Steve, her two lovely daughters, wealth and an idealistic lifestyle. Overcoming her childhood through the tools found in The Law of Creation taught her that there is no limit to what she can achieve.

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