Efforts to Promote Physical Activity and Engagement With Children Discussed On “In Depth” With Laurence Fishburne

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Most kids and teens spend up to seven hours a day watching TV or engaging with a computer or phone.

The former star of “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” Laurence Fishburne, is the host of the educational show “In Depth”. The TV program discusses a wide array of topics that uniquely affect people of all demographics. An upcoming episode will feature industry professionals who will explore ways to encourage physical activity and engagement with children.

About 12.5 million youths are obese. Obesity in kids is on the rise, and the lack of consistent physical activity is not helping. Medical and nutrition experts recommend that children and adolescents engage in 60 minutes of physical activity daily. However, only 1 in 3 three children are physically active every day.

To promote physical activity and engagement in children, health professionals recommend finding physical activities that are equally age-appropriate and engaging for them, such as playing soccer, riding a bicycle, or swimming. Another recommended tip is to turn off the television and computer. Most kids and teens spend up to seven hours a day watching TV or engaging with a computer or phone. Limit overall daily screen time to 1-2 hours a day and use that free time for physical engagement and activities.

Since overweight adolescents have a 70% higher chance of becoming overweight or obese as an adult, it is imperative to encourage healthy exercise habits while they are young. “In Depth” will provide more details about how to promote physical engagement and activity with youths in the new episode airing soon. It will also discuss how the recent coronavirus pandemic has led to a steep increase in screen time for children.

“In Depth” with Laurence Fishburne is a cautiously examined television program before broadcast. The educational show has received numerous accolades.

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