Link Between Diabetes and Periodontal Disease Highlights Need for Excellent Dental Hygiene, says Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care

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Maintaining one’s oral health appears to have ramifications in virtually all other areas of one’s health.

A March 9 article on Medical Daily reports on a study that found strong links between lifelong oral hygiene habits, a severe form of gum disease known as periodontitis, and diabetes. One of the primary findings of the study, which occurred in South Korea, saw that individuals who were 51 or younger were 14 percent less likely to have diabetes than those who only brushed once a day or not at all. The study also found that people who suffered from diabetes were likely to have periodontitis as well. Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care says that this study echoes studies with similar findings, says that maintaining one’s oral health appears to have ramifications in virtually all other areas of one’s health.

Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care notes that good dental hygiene appears to play a key role in protecting one’s total wellbeing. The dental clinic says this starts with brushing after every meal for about two minutes, paying careful attention to reach all surfaces of the teeth. The clinic adds that many patients sometimes give a little less attention to the backs of their teeth, which can cause a variety of problems down the line, including tooth decay, even if the front surfaces of the teeth appear normal.

Flossing is also important, the clinic notes, as it breaks up the buildup of plaque and other contaminants like bits of food in between the teeth. The clinic says that it is important to remember not to brush and floss too aggressively though, as this can be counter-productive. Over time, aggressive or harsh brushing can wear down tooth enamel, exposing the yellow dentin layer, and damage the gums. The clinic adds that a receding gum line is sometimes attributed to harsh brushing because the gums lose their ability to heal properly after a long period of abuse. Naturally, the clinic says that combating this is quite simple: use soft bristle toothbrushes, gentle brushing motions, and floss tooth gaps lightly, taking extra care to be gentle around the gums.

Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care adds that sticking to good dental habits even when they are not overly convenient can save patients a lot of time, money, and pain in the future. Of course, the clinic also adds that even the most diligent tooth brushers are still likely to suffer from some kind of oral malady even if it’s just the need for one or two dental fillings at some point in their lives, which is when routine dental checkups come into play. The clinic notes that visiting a dentist for regular dental exams can ensure that there are no oral ailments in the works. On the other hand, if there are issues and they are caught early enough, the treatment plan may be far less severe, the clinic adds.

Ultimately, Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care concludes that there is practically zero incentive for not taking great care of one’s teeth. For more information on the clinic, readers can visit or call (661) 493-8866.

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