The Figgers Foundation Donates Over 700,000 Units of Personal Protection Equipment to Healthcare Workers in Hotspot Regions on Front Lines of Coronavirus Crisis

Photo of PPE Donation

PHOTO: Philanthropist and Figgers Wireless CEO Freddie Figgers has spearheaded a campaign to provide critical assistance to thousands of healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

When I saw the virus in China and how it affected the nearly 1.5 billion population, I knew it was only a matter of time before it struck home here in America,” said Figgers. “I knew the pandemic could potentially overwhelm our healthcare system and began planning to gather critical supplies…

The Figgers Foundation, the charitable arm of African American owned telecommunications firm Figgers Communications, aims to bring awareness and provide solutions to real life issues. Committed to making the world a better place by donating a percentage of the company’s profits to pro-social efforts, philanthropist and CEO Freddie Figgers has spearheaded a campaign to provide critical assistance to thousands of healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. The Florida-based non-profit is donating and distributing approximately 700,000 units of personal protection equipment (“PPE”) to Coronavirus outbreak hotspots around the country. These hotspots include hospitals and healthcare workers in New York, Washington State, California, Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida, and Michigan. The donations include some of the most crucial PPE equipment such as surgical masks, N95 masks, face shields and hazardous material protective coveralls.

“When I saw the virus in China and how it affected the nearly 1.5 billion population, I knew it was only a matter of time before it struck home here in America,” said Figgers. “I knew the pandemic could potentially overwhelm our healthcare system and began planning to gather critical supplies, such as PPEs, anticipating that access to protective gear could become an issue for healthcare professionals on the front lines. I was able to purchase these supplies directly from manufacturers before they would be overwhelmed themselves. We are grateful to be able to make this contribution and stand with American first responders as they work tirelessly to battle this global health crisis. I am personally committed to doing everything in my power to make the world a better place.”

Distribution of PPE donations will continue while supplies last – if you are a healthcare provider in need of PPE for your patient care staff, please submit a request by visiting The Figgers Foundation website at or accessing the form via the following link:

For more information about The Figgers Foundation or to get involved, please visit

About Figgers Communications

Figgers Communications is the only African American owned wireless telecommunications company in the United States. Figgers Communications includes Figgers Wireless, an FCC-regulated telecom and electronics company offering cellular, mobile broadband, home phone, international calling solutions, and smart TVs; sister company FiggHealth, which aims to improve the lives of chronic health patients with innovative technologies; and charitable organization Figgers Foundation, whose mission is to inspire change, bring awareness and provide solutions to real life issues with a focus on education, self-sufficiency and wellness.

To learn more about Figgers Communications and the company’s product and service offerings, please visit

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