Curogram Aids in COVID-19 Containment Efforts With Telemedicine And Text Communication Tools

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In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Curogram, the leading HIPAA-compliant patient-centric telemedicine and messaging platform, today announced it is ramping efforts to help the containment of the global disease with its virtual clinic, two-way text and mass texting patient engagement solutions that integrates with any practice management or EMR system.

“Our goal is to minimize exposure and maximize providers’ resources during this time of crisis,” said Shayan Nafisi, Co-Founder of Curogram. “Using our telemedicine and text messaging tools, healthcare providers are able to improve the safety of their patients and staff; communicate real-time updates; and continue operations despite the chaos COVID-19 is creating.”

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the company’s Curogram Virtual Clinic telemedicine module enables remote patient visits, offering the following benefits:

  • Continue Seeing Patients Regularly – For those patients who may be infected or are too scared to go into an office, the virtual clinic allows providers to continue seeing patients. With the recent changes to CMS reimbursements, many of these remote visits are now billable, allowing providers to continue operations in a safe manner.
  • Triage Potential COVID-19 Patients Safely – Multi-provider “walk-in” virtual clinics can be used to queue patients into an online waiting room where medical professionals can simultaneously assess patients.

The company’s Curogram Messenger module can be used to combat COVID-19 with text messaging:

  • Pre-Screen Patients – Send automated customizable text messages to identify symptomatic patients before an appointment and re-route those patients to the virtual clinic.
  • Mass Text – Keep patients up-to-date on your latest COVID-19 policies, ensuring patient safety and reducing panic.
  • Eliminate Waiting Room Exposure – Let patients wait in their cars versus a waiting room to reduce cross-exposure. Text patients when they are ready to be seen and take them straight to the exam room.
  • Reduce Call Volumes – Reduce incoming phone calls from panicked patients by communicating via two-way text. Free-up staff to help with patient care instead of being tied up on the phone.

To be an additional resource, Curogram is offering its virtual clinic telemedicine product free to children’s hospitals and smaller regional hospitals if they want to set up an online video walk-in clinic for COVID-19 triage purposes. The company is also offering its mass text messaging feature “at cost” to clients for COVID-19 related messages.

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About Curogram

Curogram is changing the way healthcare providers communicate with today’s patient consumer with HIPAA compliant texting and telemedicine solutions that sync with any EMR in less than 30 minutes.

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