New Poll Shows Americans Trust The World Health Organization To Manage Health Crises Like Coronavirus

4 out of 5 Americans (82%) across party lines say it is important that the U.S. work to limit the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in other countries.

Peter Yeo, President of the Better World Campaign said, “This poll shows that Americans understand that global cooperation is not optional—it’s an imperative. No country, including the U.S., can battle a pandemic on its own.”

Two thirds of respondents say global cooperation to address health crises is a top priority (67%), topping the list of global concerns that included terrorism, national security, and the prevention of global conflict.

The WHO, based in Geneva, has shipped more than 584,000 surgical masks, 47,000 N95 masks, 620,000 gloves, 72,000 gowns and 11,000 goggles to 57 countries, along with laboratory kits to test and diagnose over 100,000 people.

Yeo added, “Whether you approach this issue from a moral perspective, a health perspective, or a business perspective, the coronavirus proves what we know, deep down: We’re globally connected. And global problems require global solutions.”

Full results can be found here:

The poll was conducted from March 06-March 09, 2020 among a national sample of 2,200 adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

About the Better World Campaign

The Better World Campaign works to strengthen the relationship between the United States and the United Nations. It encourages U.S. leadership to support the UN’s international work on behalf of peace, progress, freedom, and justice. For more information, visit

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