Haiti Health Town Hall Calls for Progress Against Malaria

The Haitian diaspora is critical to advocate for stronger healthcare policy and investment across Haiti.

The Haiti Renewal Alliance (HRA) in partnership with the United Nations Foundation and the Embassy of Haiti will host a Haiti Health Town Hall focused on the fight against malaria, a preventable illness that threatens half the world’s population and kills a child every two minutes. Haiti and the Dominican Republic are the last malaria-endemic countries in the Caribbean, though targeted intervention has cut transmission rates there dramatically.

The town hall, “Integrating the Diaspora to Advance Community Health and Malaria Elimination Initiatives in Haiti,” will feature a conversation among public and private sector leaders exploring new thinking in malaria elimination. The Haitian diaspora is critical to advocate for stronger healthcare policy and investment across Haiti. The event, in conjunction with the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign Leadership Summit, will highlight sustainable solutions to end malaria for good.

WHEN: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 11

WHERE: Embassy of Haiti, 2311 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008

WHO: U.S. and Haitian health officials, non-profit leaders, advocates, and healthcare providers

REGISTER: http://www.haitirenew.org/townhall

About Nothing But Nets

Nothing But Nets is the world’s largest grassroots campaign to save lives by preventing malaria. Nothing But Nets has raised over $70 million to help deliver more than 13 million bed nets and other crucial malaria interventions to families. In addition to raising funds for UN partners, Nothing But Nets raises awareness and voices to advocate for critical malaria funding for the UN, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as well as collaborates with the Malaria Zero Alliance to support malaria elimination efforts in Hispaniola. Learn more Nothing But Nets’ work in Haiti at http://nothingbutnets.net.

About Haiti Renewal Alliance (HRA)

HRA is a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable development and investment in Haiti. HRA facilitates innovative development strategies and planning throughout the Caribbean and within its Diaspora communities by leveraging financial, human, and social capital to support economic development. Learn more at http://haitirenew.org.

About The United Nations Foundation

The United Nations Foundation connects people, ideas, and resources to the UN to deliver a better world for all. Founded in 1998 by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner, the UN Foundation works with philanthropic, corporate, government, and individual partners across various strategic initiatives, campaigns, and alliances. The United Nations Foundation has invested in Haiti’s acceleration to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals by supporting the country’s journey towards malaria elimination through its global malaria campaign Nothing But Nets. Learn more at http://unfoundation.org.

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