Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing – New Study Reveals That Distrust Breeds Dishonesty, And Vice Versa

How does distrust lead to dishonest? A bitter personal betrayal, a cynical view of the world, and the belief that in order to survive in a cruel world, one must be equally cruel.

A breach of trust sometimes triggers a need for self-preservation, which can translate to becoming less kind, open, and honest.

Some people who distrust others believe that the world is a cruel place, and may see it as justification for their own deceitful acts.

Trust must be earned. It’s a slow, gradual, and fragile process, which is often the reason why many people are unwilling to place their faith in others. Yet the motives behind a deep sense of distrust can be complex. Some people use it as a means of self-preservation, in order to protect themselves from feeling the pain of betrayal. Dig far enough into a distrusting person’s past, and what will likely be found is some form of trauma, neglect, or abandonment. However, research conducted by Queendom.com indicates that some people who question the integrity of others actually do so because they themselves have questionable integrity. They know they are not trustworthy, so they project this onto others, assuming that the people they betray have similar intentions, and think/feel/act the same way. They then use their distrust as justification for their own dishonesty.

Analyzing data from 1,720 who took the Integrity and Work Ethics Test, Queendom researchers compared trusting people to untrusting ones on various honesty/dishonesty related traits and attitudes. Here are some of the most striking differences the study revealed: (Note: Scores range on a scale from 0 to 100).


> Score for trusting group: 80

> Score for untrusting group: 58


> Score for trusting group: 76

> Score for untrusting group: 51


> Score for trusting group: 84

> Score for untrusting group: 65


> Score for trusting group: 84

> Score for untrusting group: 62


> Score for trusting group: 20

> Score for untrusting group: 56


> Score for trusting group: 21

> Score for untrusting group: 52


> Score for trusting group: 25

> Score for untrusting group: 59


> Score for trusting group: 18

> Score for untrusting group: 55


> Score for trusting group: 22

> Score for untrusting group: 57


> Score for trusting group: 25

> Score for untrusting group: 54


> Score for trusting group: 23

> Score for untrusting group: 56


> Score for trusting group: 26

> Score for untrusting group: 53

“We view the world through the filter of our perception, which is influenced by our beliefs, attitudes, and life experiences,” explains Dr. Jerabek, president of PsychTests, the parent company of Queendom. “Some people who distrust others believe that the world is a cruel place, and may see it as justification for their own deceitful acts. To them, it’s a ‘dog-eat-dog world,’ where the only way to survive is to be just as cruel and dishonest as they perceive others to be. The problem is, if you think that this world is filled with cruelty and deceit, that’s all you’ll ever see, because your perception is what creates your reality. You won’t be able to see the good, because the bad is all you’re looking for.”

“When it comes to trust, allow it to build gradually. Trust isn’t about naively assuming that everyone will treat you with the love and respect you deserve. Most importantly, don’t judge people by their words, but by their actions. If your gut is telling you that there is something off about a person, heed the warning and proceed with caution. Be vigilant about the information you share. Remember, however, that although trusting someone is to open yourself up to possible betrayal, to refuse to place your faith in anyone is to close yourself off to the potential for companionship, support, friendship and love. You may have been betrayed once, twice, even several times. That doesn’t mean you should distrust everyone – just be more careful about who you place your trust in.”

Want to assess your integrity? Check out our Integrity and Work Ethics Test by visiting https://www.queendom.com/tests/access_page/index.htm?idRegTest=3976

Professional users, such as therapists and coaches, can request a free demo for this or other assessments from ARCH Profile’s extensive battery: http://hrtests.archprofile.com/testdrive_gen_1

To learn more about psychological testing, download this free eBook: http://hrtests.archprofile.com/personality-tests-in-hr

About PsychTests AIM Inc.

PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see ARCHProfile.com).

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