2020 Editorial Calendar for Financial Publication Available to Article Contributors

Our readers enjoy the expert commentary that the Register brings to the forefront. Along with Association news, we feel it is an excellent benefit for our members. And most importantly, they enjoy it!…Editor-in-Chief, Susan M. Cappa.

The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC®) has published its 2020 Editorial Calendar for its National Publication, the Register. Contributors are invited to review the listed topics and submit articles to Editor-in-Chief Susan Cappa for the upcoming year.

Issue themes center around the following topics:

  • February Edition (Winter): Ethics Approved
  • May Edition (Spring): Wealth Protection
  • August Edition (Summer): Next Gen
  • November Edition (Fall): Money Management

“We encourage our contributing writers to give their expert commentary along the lines of the editorial themes,” explained Ms. Cappa. “It is an opportunity to be published in a national publication and gain editorial exposure.”

The IARFC Register magazine is digitally published by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants. The readers of this publication are practitioners – financial consultants, life insurance agents, registered representatives and registered investment advisers.

The average reader has more than four years of experience in financial services and possesses at least one professional designation, such as RFC®, MRFC®, ChFC, CFP®, CLU, AEP, CPA, CSA. Many hold advanced degrees, such as MBA, JD, LLM and Ph.D. The readership is educated, experienced, knowledgeable and involved in the industry.

“We constantly are in need of contributors who are well versed in the financial services environment,” continues Ms. Cappa. “Our readers enjoy the expert commentary that the Register brings to the forefront. Along with Association news, we feel it is an excellent benefit for our members. And most importantly, they enjoy it!”

For those who may wish to contribute to the Register, review the submission guidelines for sending in articles. Advertising is always available. Inquiries can be sent to advertise@iarfc.org.

To access the Register, visit the IARFC website – http://www.iarfc.org. For those who have questions on article submissions, reach out to Susan Cappa at susan@iarfc.org, Editor in Chief. Copy deadlines for articles are found in the submission guidelines – still accepting articles for 2020 Winter Issue. “Ethics Approved Theme” is always a hot topic for discussion.

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