Zimmerman & Frachtman Law Firm Now Offering Legal Services for Clients Harmed by Defective Insulin Pumps

Zimmerman & Frachtman Law Firm - Legal Services for Clients Harmed by Defective Medtronic Insulin Pumps

“We are experts in this area of law and can walk you or your loved one through the legal process,” said attorney Joshua Frachtman. “It’s important to remember that there are time limits on when you can file a claim to be compensated for injuries from a Medtronic insulin pump.”

The Zimmerman & Frachtman Law Firm are proud to announce that they will start taking cases for clients concerning the recall of Medtronic insulin pumps deemed defective by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

In its Class I recall notice, the FDA relayed that the Medtronic 630G and 670G insulation pumps “may cause serious injuries or death,” and attributed at least one death to the faulting medical devices in addition to well over 2,000 injuries across 26,000 complaints. Though Medtronic designed the pumps to deliver specific amounts of insulin into bloodstreams, the retainer rings that seal the insulin reservoir have repeatedly broken or shipped defective, compromising the entire device.

The broken rings can lead to two significantly negative outcomes for users of the pumps. For one, diabetics that continue to use the pump are at risk of exceeding their recommended dosage, which may decrease blood sugar to hazardous levels. Specifically, excess insulin can cause irregular heartbeats, vision problems, seizures, and many other harmful side effects. Chief among these is insulin shock, which may lead to a coma or even death.

Conversely, the inability for the pump to deliver consistent appropriate dosage can also result in the user receiving too little insulin, which raises blood sugar to the point it can cause diabetic ketoacidosis. In this case, side effects can consist of headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, and other serious complications. As with excess insulin, shortages can also result in a coma and/or death in serious cases.

“We are experts in this area of law and can walk you or your loved one through the legal process,” said attorney Joshua Frachtman. “It’s important to remember that there are time limits on when you can file a claim to be compensated for injuries from a Medtronic insulin pump.”

Medtronic has posted a Product and Safety notice on their website that provides additional information on the issues and precautions recommended to insulin pump owners. Users exhibiting symptoms should contact their doctor or seek immediate medical attention.

For more information on the defective Medtronic insulin pump, please visit the Zimmerman & Frachtman website.

About Zimmerman & Frachtman

For over 25 years, the team at Zimmerman & Frachtman has been providing personalized attention to each client. They are dedicated to defending the injured and seeking justice on behalf of every client.

Their entire staff believes that the best results are obtained through good and committed hard work. Over the past 25 years, the firm’s trial attorneys have recovered more than $300 million in verdicts and settlements on behalf of their clients. While they are quite proud of their past accomplishments, they remain true to the ideals of compassion, tenacity, consistency, discipline, and respect for others.

For more information, please visit the Zimmerman & Frachtman website or call (954) 509-1900.

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