Xulon Press Author Releases New Book That Provides The Keys to Unlocking God’s Glory

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This book offers training on the Apostolic ministry, our journey in spiritual growth as His sons and daughters.

Cara L. Nordeen’s book Unlocking Glory ($23.99, paperback, 9781545673768; $9.99, e-book, 9781545673775), is available for preorder.

Unlocking Glory offers training on the operation of the gifts of the Spirit, how to hear God, yield to the Holy Spirit, and move with Him in His power, so we can do the works that Jesus did. This book offers training on the Apostolic ministry, our journey in spiritual growth as His sons and daughters. It shines the light on our mission as His priesthood and what our mindset should be and teaches about the authority we are given. So many in our day have been pulled away from knowing the Word of God for themselves and this book will help to pull many away from false doctrine and get them back to the truth of God’s Word. Faith will be increased by the power of His Word explained as well as reading the marvelous works of God in these inspiring testimonies.

Cara is co-founder of High Tower Ministries, which is an affiliate of the Rock Ministerial Fellowship based out of Virginia Beach, VA. She and her husband Bill began High Tower Ministries by carrying the gospel to the highways and byways of the United States. She has a prophetic anointing that has changed many lives through the kingdom insight that the Lord has brought through her.

Cara began her journey with the Lord in her childhood and at the age of twenty-two came to understand the call on her life to preach the Word of God. She has served in many facets of ministry over the last two decades, including but not limited to: intercessory prayer ministry, preaching, teaching evangelizing, and aiding in the pioneering of startup churches. Cara is dedicated to reaching the lost and training up the body of Christ to move in the supernatural gifts of the Spirit with power, ushering in the glory of God to bring forth breakthrough.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Unlocking Glory is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.

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