We Are All Soldiers In A Great War And We Must Understand Our Part

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This book will challenge and compel each reader to honestly examine oneself and in doing so they will discover they too are engulfed in an intense spiritual war for their soul, and the souls of all humanity. This war is between good and evil, God and Satan

Author Bob McLaughlin shares how God’s war has played out in his mortal life with In the War: Wounded but Winning ($19.99, paperback, 9781662864780; $31.49, hard cover, 9781662864797; $9.99, e-book, 9781662864803).

McLaughlin has travelled the globe and met an incredible variety of people, but has found that they have many characteristics in common, such as the need to be loved and accepted. Through his own successes (and many failures!) he has found practical solutions and tidbits of wisdom that he would like use to encourage his readers along their own journey.

“This book will challenge and compel each reader to honestly examine oneself and in doing so they will discover they too are engulfed in an intense spiritual war for their soul, and the souls of all humanity. This war is between good and evil, God and Satan,” said McLaughlin.

Evangelist Bob McLaughlin is the founder of Salvation Today Ministries, an agency of International Christian Mission Services. He earned a Bachelor of Religious Education from Briercrest Bible College and completed summer studies conducted by the International School of Theology of San Bernadino, California while serving with Campus Crusade for Christ. McLaughlin and his wife, Trudy, have been blessed with four children, eighteen grandchildren and one great grandchild.


Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date.In the War: Wounded but Winning is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.

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