Virus Fighting Far UVC Light Manufacturers Unite To Celebrate Anniversary of Trump’s Infamous “Very Powerful Light” Remark With Annual 4-23 Global Sales Event

Trumps very powerful light is a real human safe germicidal irradiation AP-UVGI using Far-UVC 207nm-222nm light

Trumps very powerful light is a real human safe germicidal irradiation AP-UVGI using Far-UVC 207nm-222nm light

We are delighted to announce our partnership in recognizing the importance of former President Trump’s comments on ‘Very Powerful Light’, in the twelve months since human safe Far-UV light has been proven a reality through several peer-reviewed research studies in 2020

Far UVC indicator test card manufacture, QuantaDose is thrilled to announce the world’s first globally coordinated industry-wide, Trump’s “Very Powerful Light” sale.  This Far-UVC light sale is planned to take place every 4-23 to commence one of the most misunderstood statements any President has ever made during a crisis.

According to John Coates, CTO for Quanta X Technology, “This is not about agreeing with Trump on policy or other matters.  This industry-recognized global Far-UVC sale day is about the TRUTH in what was really said that day before it was spun by media to drink bleach.   It’s about the impact hitting the body with “a tremendously powerful light” has on humanity, the current and future of pandemics.”

It all started with a Linkedin post from the CEO of Quanta X Technology, Katie Webb, to several CEOs in the Far-UVC light industry.  “Please help me make this a global Far-UV light sale event day! I know this isn’t much time. Many of you own your companies, so do it, join me on 4-23! This virus is killing someone every minute. Time is ticking, and we must learn how to work together quickly”, she said. 

Webb said, “This isn’t just a coordinated Far-UVC light manufacturers sale in several countries.  This is about educating the public on Far-UVC light and taking action for a better future! My daughter had her 3rd birthday a few months ago and has spent over a 3rd of her life in a world I’ve never known before! As much as the death toll has impacted me. The constant fear of close contact everywhere impacts my daughter. Whose interaction with loved ones in our family is now mainly screen time.  I want her to experience the world I grew up in, only better!   We have the knowledge and power to change this.  Now that we know with certainty the EMR frequency needed to keep the R’naught’ under one! This invisible Far-UVC light is our hope for a MUCH brighter future!”

Howard Hong, CEO of Guangdong excimer Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd, an ISO certified manufacture of Far-UVC excimer 222nm lamps, agreed to 20% off on the globally celebrated “Very Powerful Light” sale day. 

FirstUVC is delighted to announce our partnership in recognizing the importance of former President Trump’s 4-23-20 comments on ‘Very Powerful Light.’ In the twelve months since human safe 222nm, Far-UV light has been proven a reality through several peer-reviewed research studies in 2020.  Now we can shine a new light on the revolutionary properties and potential of human safe far-UVC disinfecting light.”  – Howard Hong, First UVC Guangdong, China

New Far-UVC LED Manufacture NS Nanotech’s patented Far-UVC LED technologies won’t be available in time for Friday’s worldwide sale. Current production is on track to be available for purchase before the end of 2021. Drawing on a decade of work on nitride semiconductors by researchers at McGill University and the University of Michigan, dramatically improve the fabrication process and resulting efficiency of nano-scale Far-UVC light-emitting materials. NS Nanotech ShortWaveLight™ Emitters are the first devices that utilize solid-state semiconductors to generate far-UVC light.

45th President Said What?

Love or hate him, and recent studies show Trump was right about the light! “Suppose that we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light,” Trump said at a White House coronavirus press briefing.

Trump added that he wasn’t a doctor and was “just here to present ideas.” and the press gravely misunderstood these ideas.

The website is here to show you how far the idea presented by former President Donald J Trump has come in the 12 months since he suggested using tremendously powerful ultraviolet light that is completely harmless to humans yet deadly to air-borne viruses, among other bio-agents of concern.

“Very Powerful Light” Day Research and References

Study Shows Ushio’s Care222(R) Lamps Effectively Inactivate SARS-CoV-2 (The COVID-19 Virus

September 4, 2020

Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases

August 20, 2020

Exploratory clinical trial on the safety and bactericidal effect of 222-nm ultraviolet C irradiation in healthy humans

August 1, 2020

Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses

June 1, 2020

Repetitive irradiation with 222nm UVC shown to be non-carcinogenic & safe for sterilizing human skin

April 1, 2020

Ultraviolet C light with a wavelength of 222 nm inactivates a wide spectrum of microbial pathogens

March 31, 2020

Long-term Effects of 222-nm ultraviolet radiation C Sterilizing Lamps on Mice Susceptible to Ultraviolet Radiation

March 1, 2020

DNA Damage Kills Bacterial Spores and Cells Exposed to 222-Nanometer UV Radiation

January 1, 2020

Founded in 2020, Quanta X Technology LLC is a world leader in FAR-UVC detection technology and non-pharmaceutical pandemic countermeasures that include new innovative Far-UV/UVC testing methods, Far-UV and Conventional UVC irradiation. The company’s mission is to create quality-of-life solutions by engaging in the research, design, manufacture, and sale of photon and proton management technologies designed to mitigate epidemics and pandemics.

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