Villa Healthcare Celebrates Dina Besirevic as McKnight’s Women of Distinction Rising Star

Villa Healthcare Celebrates Dina Besirevic as McKnight’s Women of Distinction Rising Star

Dina is recognized as a McKnight’s Women of Distinction as she truly is a rising star. Dina is focused on quality care and she’s making everyone she comes into contact with better.

Villa Healthcare celebrates Dina Besirevic, Regional Clinical Reimbursement Consultant, on her win for McKnight’s Women of Distinction Rising Star. McKnight’s Long-Term Care News created the “Women of Distinction” honors to recognize those who inspire others in the skilled nursing world through their powerful impact on residents and colleagues.

Dina Besirevic’s life started in Croatia and she grew up there during Balkan War. This shaped her understanding of suffering and loss. While she doesn’t dwell on the struggles, she notes the impact of seeing people injured and experiencing loss as a child. Being a child during war often causes children to grow up faster, but Dina used that to shape her interest in reducing suffering that others experience. Dina Besirevic grew up knowing that she wanted to help others, to ease their pain, and provide care.

Dina shares that her motto is simple, “to do right by others.” She wants to decrease suffering, increase care, and inspire other nurses. Dina has many credentials, including Resident Assessment Coordinator Certified (RAC-CT), Certified Director of Nursing Administration (CDONA), Restorative Nursing Certification and a member of NADONA and AANC. At Villa, Dina has grown her leadership skills as a Steering Committee member of the Villa Women’s Group, a graduate of the Nursing Leadership Academy, and just began the Advanced Management Group. Dina shares, “If I could have the rest of my career in long-term care that would make me happy.”

In 2019, Dina was recognized at Villa for her work to revamp the restorative program to best meet patient’s needs in accordance with PDPM. She studied the issue and found that care was being provided, but not documented. She created a new format in PCC, drafted guidelines, and produced a library to increase accuracy in getting tasks entered into PCC on care plans. This led to increased data for PDPM and improved accuracy for both documentation and billing. Rolling out these changes at a time when nursing staff was already absorbing the changes from PDPM was difficult, but she showed the nursing leaders in multiple training sessions how this was a time-savings measure – a way to get credit for the work that was already being completed.

Dina is driven by quality measures as she continually wants to improve her skills as a caregiver, but also in her current role to share what she knows with others, and to extend and improve care across the organization. Dina uses all the data and resources available to show her team the importance of accurate documentation and how it impacts giving quality care. Dina is the first to note that even in leadership, the most important part is the teamwork. Every member of the team needs to understand the importance of the work and play a part in achieving success.

Dina is recognized as a McKnight’s Women of Distinction as she truly is a rising star. Dina is focused on quality care and she’s making everyone she comes into contact with better.

We’re Villa, and we make people better. Of course, we’re focused on quality care and good outcomes. But we’re here to do so much more. Villa’s leadership has a vision of rising above the status quo—of never settling, and of shattering the old image of this industry. We’ve always wanted to be a part of something greater, and we’re making that a reality. Our commitment to our people, our environment and clinical programs will allow us to fulfill our mission of making people better. For more information, please visit

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